Per e-mail from WEAK Radio op this was an FM test. Didn't realize the Palstar could handle any sort of FM mode but it was fairly clear in USB with Collins narrow filter. Thanks, WEAK.
6925 USB
0050z: Black Sabbath song
0054z: ID, OM voice, obscured by static and echo fx, something like "Radio ..FF.." or "XX", not sure.
(Turns out the fricative sound I heard as an "F" or "X" was the word "weak".)SINPO - 33222, good signal peaks and punchy audio through QRN static
(Gopher Stomp, TX)
Short 1:20 mp3 w/ 60 sec music, ID at end: to another DXer's better quality mp3, sounded like WEAK Radio ID, but still not sure.)