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Author Topic: Radio Rossii, 5930kHz 4/8  (Read 1366 times)

Offline Chanter

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Radio Rossii, 5930kHz 4/8
« on: April 10, 2013, 0005 UTC »
Caught this yesterday morning, but am only now getting the chance to post it here.  This was totally unexpected!  I was heading down the dial looking for Shiokaze before leaving for work, and whoops!  Russia!  Not sure if this was the northern Europe or the far eastern broadcast, but I'm going to bet the latter, given recent propagation.  I've never managed this one before, whichever beam it is! 

5930, Radio Rossii, 1105-1115Z.  News in Russian, including correspondent reports, lasting for several minutes.  Musical bridges in places.  Into what sounded like a program promo around 1110, then a choral piece with a fanfare beginning and singing.  Signal fair to good, subject to lots of QRM from a Bible blaster on 5935.  SINPO 42343. 

Anybody ever had luck QSLing them?  I may well try. 
Madison, WI, U.S.A. 
Tecsun PL-660, Yaesu FT60R handheld, and Realistic DX-398 (back up and running!) 
QSL's appreciated 

There's a geeklady turning that dial!
SWLer, MWLer, LW and HF beaconeer, technician class ham, DXer of all bands and program listener. 
RNW forever.


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