2333 'Theme from "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly"', 'Cannonball' - Duwane Eddy, 'Bye-Ya' - Thelonious Monk, synth YL w/ political talk, (incl. mentions of the "Holy Roman Empire"), Rhythm-A-Ning - Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers w/ Thelonious Monk, 'Science Fiction / Double Feature' - Richard O'Brien, synth YL, politics (incl. list of Romananoffs), brief musical bridge, YL (incl. list of people - apparently "imperial"), bridge, YL w/ another list, bridge, synth OM (list of people w/ connection to Constitution), bridge, 2 OMs w/ political talk ("conservatives are covering up wht the communists are doing", "The Democrats are completely controlled by the communists", etc.), several tones, off mid sentence 014.
S4 w/ OK, although somewhat noisy signal at first. Improved to S7 by end.