Recorder Catch on 6925USB
0853 On with OM ID, announcements, and into music. Following was a show of music with occas OM talk, and on a couple of good
signal peaks, I could hear that RT has some pretty good audio going as I could hear a nice tight bass line in the songs. The
signal peaked a bit mid show, and began degenerating towards shows end. SSTV heard but was not capped automatically.
Will try manual later.
1040 off
Here is a one minute audio clip of the show's start, and this is the best ID I have been able to get so far: is a screen cap of all activity last night:

Everything posted last night is in there; from the right MRI (on 6975), 2 shows from PPVR, and Totse between 8500 and 2200 seconds (offset from 1117z). The plot shows pretty definitive sign on/off times for RT, and even grogged out in the morning I could guess that Totse was in good before opening up the audio file. The little bump around 16500 seconds is a SS pesc QSO. Luckily the noise floor (which had become pretty elevated from storms around the MRI BC) had settled down by the time Totse came up.
Thanks again Dak; you're rockin' our world!