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Author Topic: Radio Totse 6925 09:57z-10:40z 08-06-13  (Read 7110 times)

Offline Sealord

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Radio Totse 6925 09:57z-10:40z 08-06-13
« on: August 06, 2013, 1226 UTC »
6925 USB

Had technical issues with my receiver, so I missed the majority of the broadcast, but when I checked HFU this morning & saw Gabriel's post (thnx!) I set the recorder back up.  Signal was similar to what I heard the other night, but waited for the SSTV for confirmation.

By the way, this is with my array pointed south - I need to replace one of my coax feeds so I can point west, which always give me better reception for Radio Australia and hopefully will improve my reception for RT.

Audio (09:57z-10:05z): http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/RadioTotse6925Usb0957z-1005z08-06-13.mp3

Audio (10:29z-10:40z): http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/RadioTotse6925Usb1029z-1040z08-06-13.mp3

(10:35z-10:39z) Scottie DX:

Thanks Radio Totse! :)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 1252 UTC by Sealord »
All reception direct unless noted - G33DDC & RX340/4SQ Array - Off Air/Studio Recordings -  sealord40m@yahoo.com

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: Radio Totse 6925 09:57z-10:40z 08-06-13
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2013, 1407 UTC »
SDR recording catch. Some audio noted around 0856. Gone sometime after 0946, it was getting too light here.
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
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Offline jFarley

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Re: Radio Totse 6925 09:57z-10:40z 08-06-13
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2013, 2105 UTC »
Recorder Catch on 6925USB

0853 On with OM ID, announcements, and into music.  Following was a show of music with occas OM talk, and on a couple of good
        signal peaks, I could hear that RT has some pretty good audio going as I could hear a nice tight bass line in the songs.  The
        signal peaked a bit mid show, and began degenerating towards shows end.  SSTV heard but was not capped automatically.
        Will try manual later.
1040 off

Here is a one minute audio clip of the show's start, and this is the best ID I have been able to get so far:


Here is a screen cap of all activity last night:

Everything posted last night is in there; from the right MRI (on 6975), 2 shows from PPVR, and Totse between 8500 and 2200 seconds (offset from 1117z).  The plot shows pretty definitive sign on/off times for RT, and even grogged out in the morning I could guess that Totse was in good before opening up the audio file.  The little bump around 16500 seconds is a SS pesc QSO.  Luckily the noise floor (which had become pretty elevated from storms around the MRI BC) had settled down by the time Totse came  up.

Thanks again Dak;  you're rockin' our world!
Joe Farley, Near Chicago
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Active 60" Whip / PA0RDT
QSLS appreciated to:    jfarley44@att.net


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