Single ended class E is as simple (and efficient) as it gets.
I've heard folk say it was complex when it's actually simpler than most other modes of RF generation as it doesn't need bias for a start.
Using the 74HC240 and an IRL510 (IRF510 wont work BTW despite lots of designs say it does, IT DOESN'T!) your're good to 8MHz or so.
Ive seen the cap across the FET specified as 68p which must have been a typo as 680 is nearer the mark, I use 470p as you can use them for all the O/P caps (1n5 = 3x470)
COG/NPO caps are essential, you can however get away with X7R for the coupling cap, HV COG's at this value are VERY expensive!
Also using T50-2 toroids is stoopid as they're way too small and get roasting hot, T80-2 abs min, T94-2 perfect and T106's for the 40W GaN version.
So this is the ONLY design to use (it's not mine BTW!), every other is pants, overly complex, doesn't work, uses way too many unobtainable components etc etc.
Also having a broadband driver makes it work on any freq, just change the 7 components to RHS of FET.