Listening to CADS / WPAS parish radio broadcast on UK FM CB channel 16, frequency 27751 kHz FM 27751.25 NFM.
Strong audio, some very minor fades. SIO 444. S9 on peaks, mostly hovering around S7-S8.
At 1925 UTC, you can clearly hear the church background audio, people talking, a sporadic cough...other background chatter.
Some minor QRM from SSB chatter on 27.745 MHz USB as well some weak SSB chatter on 27.755 MHz LSB. 27.75125 MHz FM is the strongest signal by an order of magnitude though.
Substantial fade down to S5 at 1927 UTC...followed by a nice jump up to S9+10dB for a few moments. Full quieting FM signal, very good audio especially considering this is 2 or 2.5 kHz deviation!
CADS / WPAS channel LW16 FM or UK FM CB 27/81 FM CB channel 16.
Bandwidth at highest FM deviation around 8 kHz or 9 kHz or so. Can safely call this 10 kHz bandwidth.