Good strong signal at 04:10 tune-in with Convoy
Scottish accented DJ at 04:13 mentioning CB radio.
Lots of WMR ID's.
email address of mentioned.
So, are we listening to a N American relay, or is it direct from Europe???
04:37 About ELWA memories
Later on with Radio Viking (from Holland). 04:55 UTC at the moment. Still very strong.
Radio Viking
PO Box 4040
Amsterdam, Holland. QSL for 2 IRCs.
05:00 DJ of WMR came back saying that this was from 18 June 1978 (Radio Viking recording). Now into their 2nd hour (of a 2 hour transmission), so likely will be off at around 06:00
Sure enough, transmitter cut at 06:05 UTC. A very fine program indeed!