Not sure if it is because signal is weaker than I would expect on SDRs in Texas and frequency is about 10 Hz higher than normal.
0113 - The Smiths, "How Soon is Now?"
0118 - I couldn't hear all of it but I recognize the LR ID.
0019 - I switched SDRs. Much, much better signal. SINPO 34333. Frequency seems normal. Must have been that one SDR was a bit different today.
0122 - Quasi-listenable on Sigma's SDR in Massachusetts but above the noise about only 50% of the time.
0128 - The noise has been picking up in the last few minutes and now that wideband QRM started up for a few seconds.
(I think that this is just a "sounding" to check the frequency and determine if they can reach the bit-error rate they are looking for before full start up in a few minutes.)
0133 - EDM.
0133 - Wideband digital QRM starts up, as expected above.
0139 - I switched to an SDR in Illinois to reduce the QRM.
0139 - TX off suddenly.
Op moved to 6925 KHz. Anticipating the move, I beat the Op to the new frequency.

0146 - Brief TX interruption, LR ID, into next EDM.
0215 - TX off mid-song. I don't see them on another frequency (yet).
0220 - Nothing yet.
I assume that the op just hung it up. TX Off.0224 - I hear EDM now. The band has gone long(er). Pretty good reception in Michigan. SINPO 44444 / S9 at the moment.
0235 - ID and email address given. Next EDM.
0308 - Interface, "Destination"
0311 - ID
0315 - TX Off.Liquid Radio and Ballsmacker head to head in Michigan at 0312 UTC: