Okay, the signal started out in the mud, and fluttery. Once in a while it would fade up with intelligible audio. It got progressively better as time went by. at 0420z it was good enough that I could tell what was going on. The signal was not fluttery, even though it was not strong.
6940 kHz
4 May 2014
0309z instrumental song
0318z talk
0319z sounded like talk over music
0325z Male announcer spoke about African Stations on 90 and 60 meters. nothing else intelligible.
0326z Male singing, African music
0330z Male announcer speaking
0331:30z Song
0333z Man talking. Thought I heard a mention of shortwave
0334z song -
0335z Continued to monitor frequency hoping that the signal will fade up. I hear talk and African Music.
0359z Male announcer spoke. I heard something about meter band.
0400z music Shazam says the song is Petroskoi by Mylitant.
0402z male announcer spoke, and then a new song
0404:30z Talk. I heard "Artem's World of Music" at 0405:30z
0406:00z Song - Shazam says it is SomosCubanos - Los Van Van
0410z announcer spoke. Web address? email address?
0411:30-Song that sounded Scottish or Irish. Lots of white noise mixing.
0415:00-Closing - ID Artem's World of Music and email address
0416:00-Went live with ID and "Theme from Shaft" by Isaac Hayes.
0419:00- "Hotel California" by Eagles
0425:00- DJ talk I could pick up every other word. Heard Email as radiotruenorth@gmail.com and ID
0426:45-song - Seven Wonders by Fleetwood Mack.
Heard on an RF Space SDR-IQ
QSL at Bill Harms philcobill@verizon.net