2102 UTC Signal is now fading in and out of the noise here, with S2 peaks on 9300 KHZ AM...fair copy but program seems to be music and announcements.
2115 UTC Signal is improving by the minute now! Good copy amid some fading.
2122 UTC Signal seems to have dropped down to the noise level now. Man announcer so far has been reminiscing about the early days of FRS between pop songs.
2155 UTC Fading isn't as bad, but still lots of band noise...I'm hearing ID's in several languages with the Theme from Close Encounters IS
Yes Chris...I checked 7700 KHZ and it's audible, but less than 9300 here. Crummy propagation right about now....lots of fading
2240 UTC Still weak. lots of noise and fading. Now there's a T-storm coming through so I had to disconnect the antenna

If you are still on when the storm passes I'll try again...thanks for the broadcast FRS!
Storm has mostly passed here so the NRD is back on as of 2325 UTC

9300 is fair still with fades and local static is high.
2327 UTC I switched to 7700 and signal is better here! Playing "Celebration" at tune in. S7 above a noisy band.
2346 UTC Previous to this time was a long instrumental then an UNID Europop tune, then at 2346 was the Close Encounters themed IS with ID's in different languages.
2353 UTC OFF after music with man announcer talkover
Thanks for the program FRS crew! I wish that propagation and the local storm hadn't conspired to make reception difficult! I guess that is what shortwave is all about