SDR recording catch.
I am not exactly sure what I'm dealing with here. I had a carrier appear at 0235, extremely weak, no audio. It eventually disappeared around 0400. It seemed to be more of a slow fade out, vs an abrupt going QRT.
This is not the first time this or a similar station has appeared on 6930, it turns up from time to time on the SDR recordings, usually around this time period. Always super weak, just a carrier.
My thought is that it could be a low powered pirate, located some distance away from me, hence the very weak signal. The signal level is typical for a 10 or so watt AM station from the west coast.
Another possibility is that it is from Europe, the so fade out around 0400 would fit expected propagation, it is just starting to get light in parts of northern Europe then. But, it really isn't the right time for a Europirate to be operating, not much of an audience at 2 or 3 in the morning.
Is this turning up on anyone else's overnight SDR recordings?