UNID pirate station
6930 kHz 6.930 MHz
S5-S6 signal at tune-in, very strong audio with some minor QRM from 6935 kHz LSB (pescadore two-way SSB marine chatter)
2244 UTC - "Summer of '69" nice audio! cranked passband up, bandwidth up to 3.5 kHz
2245 UTC - "Summer of '69" started over
2247 UTC - started the same song over again (sounds like somebody is skipping around the same track)
2249 UTC - "Summer of '69" with some QRM from 6935 LSB fading in and out...overall armchair copy
2250 UTC - suddenly halfway into "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2
2252 UTC - very deep fade, then back to up to S5
2254 UTC - seriously dude, play an entire song! - another jump-cut into "Born In The U.S.A.", then dead air