Hello Icom users
I have an Icom IC-PCR1000 receiver and that I miss the features that it offers for example RTL SDR in HDSDR, I decided to improve it. First to control it I installed PCR AnyWhere. Although sampling 16bits, a view of the RF Band Scope, AF Signall and AF Spectrogram, are modest. However, signal something more visible than on the original program Icom. Very useful for me is the Equalizer because helps to reduce noise or sharp tony noices in the AF.
Important note-by fiddling in the settings, the program may crash and the next time you start the Power On button, does not start. I was looking for 2 weeks how to fix it. You have to uninstall the program, connect all cables (Ext Sp to the Line In/Mic), turn on the power supply of the receiver, and then reinstall the PCR AnyWhere. Program searches for lost the IN/OUT settings for your sound card. My laptop Dell E5400/Vista calmly processes the Sampling 16 Bits and Sample Rate 24kc. These settings do not affect the resolution of the RF Band Scope. If you had trouble finding an active link to the installation of the PCR AnyWhere, to help you install it.
But it's not the end of the improvements! The purpose of my is receiving DRM and digital modulation. To the receiver I installed mixer 450/12 kHz (sat-schneider.de). See here,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ3RkEVhnmk what you will get new opportunities through the signal processing for example, Sharp (I use HDSDR).
New receiver socket IF12kc plug cable screened for entry In/Mic. Switch on the receiver, run the PCR AnyWhere, search for a stable in the reception of AM station.
Run the HDSDR: Option > Select Input > Sound Card, for Sound Card > speakers. Bandwight > Sampling Rate: In 2,4Mc, Out 24kc. Misc Opsion: Set LO >< Tune RF offset - set so small that you saw on the Waterfall trail DC carrier and side band signal around 12kc.Tune and search 12kHz on Waterfall. Dismiss the side bands from DC, you can change by turning the coil core mixer. Potentiometer mixer and RF Panel sliders: the Waterfal/Spectrum/Zoom - set corresponding to you look.
To my beloved surprise, this receiver configuration has less noise than without mixer! I tune clearly weak signals that get lost in noise by receiver without mixer (S2 level). You can now using analog receiver to enjoy all the opportunities afforded by the HDSDR. Good reception and have fun!
- turn off the receiver's AF by switching MUTE on the PCR AnyWhare (this eliminates the unmodulated mixer noise)
- on the HDSDR, carefully set the NR level, because it can mute the station's signal
- also leave (in PCR AW) Compress Audio for 8 bits, otherwise it can turn off AF
- enable AGC on HDSDR, experimenting with it later
- Icom likes ATT and narrow AM 2.8 - check in the vicinity of strong stations