Here's a round-up of what was audible over the past hour or so from Sheffield, UK. My RX setup is RTL-SDR dongle on a Raspberry Pi running as a RTL-TCP server, then SDR Sharp running on a Win 7 laptop. Antenna is a home brew 3-element yagi cut for 250MHz bearing 220 degrees azimuth and 30 degrees elevation. This is quite a potent set up- the pirates are mostly fully quieting signals. NB that the transponder bandwidths given are approximate.
Transponder outputs are easily seen by the lift in the noise by up to about 10-15dB over the receiver noise floor.
I am amazed how much pirate activity there is.
243.8 - 243.85 looks like 'Raindrops' some kind of frequency hopping system
244.075 8 transponders with about 4 kHz bandwidth. No visible activity.
244.185- 5 transponders with 3.5kHz bandwidth.
244.200 has narrow band data bursts, 2.5 sec every 7 sec
244.205 missing
245.200 25khz wide transponder, with FM voice pirates active
249.105 13 transponders of 4kHz bandwidth, many with data bursts
249.450 25khz wide transponder, with FM voice pirates active
249.575 25kHz wide transponder, 'sloping top'. wideband data bursts
251.325 25khz wide trasnponder, 'dome top'
251.700 25khz wide trasnponder, 'dome top'
251.950 25kHz wide transponder, flat top. wide band data bursts
252.050 25kHz wide transponder. FM Voice pirates active near the HF edge, narrow band data bursts near the LF edge.
252.150 25kHz wide transponder.
253.750 25khz wide transponder, with FM voice pirates active
253.850 25kHz wide transponder.
253.900 25kHz wide transponder with some very interesting signals;
1. at the LF end, beginning at 253.886180 are 11 tones on 170Hz spacing sounding very like the old VFT; no TTY visible though
2. Centered on 253.913.0, some odd signals that could be data of some sort or could be analogue speech encryption, listen on SSB mode...
3. In the centre, is en-clair US OM voice in AM mode sounding like Air Traffic Control (mention flight levels etc). Yesterday was much more active with almost continuous transmissions. Weak signal and due to QRM just to the HF side of the carrier I needed to use LSB to hear it best. 10.51 UTC Now Telling A/C to contact New York on [just unreadable] frequency
254.155 25kHz wide transponder. wide and narrow band data bursts in the centre, narrow band data signals near HF and LF edges.
255.450 25kHz wide transponder. FM Voice pirates active at both .440 and.460 - first time I've seen 2 pirate QSO's on same transponder!
255.550 25kHz wide transponder. with FM voice pirates active as always!
257.050 25kHz wide transponder with wideband data bursts and with FM voice pirates active near HF edge
257.150 25kHz wide transponder with wideband data bursts
257.500 30kHz wide transponder
258.550 30khz wide transponder
258.650 25kHz wide transponder
260.425 25kHz wide transponder with wideband data bursts and with FM voice pirates active a little LF of centre
260.525 25kHz wide transponder with wideband data bursts and with FM voice pirates ?Japanese? active a little HF of centre
261.280 25kHz wide transponder with data and what sounds like QRM on the input from wideband FM music station chopping in and out
261.875 25kHz wide transponder with wideband data bursts
262.075 30kHz wide transponder
262.100 5kHz wide transponder
262.150 5kHz wide transponder
262.175 30kHz wide transponder
262.200 5kHz wide transponder
262.275 30kHz wide transponder
262.375 30kHz wide transponder
263.725 30kHz wide transponder with wideband data bursts
265.350 25kHz wide transponder
265.450 25kHz wide transponder with wideband data bursts and with FM voice pirates active