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Author Topic: Antique Radio Restoration Project  (Read 4226 times)

Offline R4002

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Re: Antique Radio Restoration Project
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2018, 1622 UTC »
I'll second or third the recommendation to use a variac and slowly increase the voltage when you do apply AC power to it.  As Josh mentioned, these older radios were designed with 110 VAC in mind, and most mains AC voltage today is closer to 120 (that can depend though).  Probably best to power it up on its own circuit when you finish doing the restoration work.

Always nice to see an old radio get another life :D

U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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