Here are my March 22 (Monday) Korea observations:
KOREA NORTH. From 0710+ UT, noted 6045 and 6135, continuing to have super jamming.
KOREA SOUTH. Frequencies for this week:
VOH: At 0941 UT, only three frequencies on the air; all well heard; 3985 // 5995 // 6350; news stories in English and Korean; a new time
for this segment; formerly 0741 and 1141. Do not know what the new news schedule is? Later at *1000, found 4880 // 6245 // 9095.
VOP: At 0946 UT, only three frequencies on the air; 3480 // 3910 // 4450. Later at 1001, found 3930 // 6520 // 6600.
Voice of Freedom: At 0930 UT, on 5920; fair-good reception (no jamming), with "Hanminjog tong-illo milaelo" program (Korean people,
to unity, to the future).
Asilomar State Beach, Calif.
CR-1, antenna: 100' long wire