1934 S9+25 Julia Pojuszczie Gitary
- I often hear another station quieter in the background, I observe a stronger carrier 1574.85 and a weaker 1575.0.
I think that the stronger station is Buchta Swobodnych Wołn
- Thanks to Kobalts for the links, I have already seen them.
The idea of sharing links to the stream is original, he doesn't always know who is using it for broadcasting.
Hence, in the first reports, the operator of Buchta said that his colleague (by default from Moscow) was still
transmitting but could not hear him.
The YT video confirms QTH Smolensk and explains the suspicion that this is a mobile station - powered by batteries.
I thought it was a surplus military transmitter.
In another video, YT already talks about the location of the 3940 transmitter in Ukraine.