HFU HF Underground

Loggings => North American Shortwave Pirate => Topic started by: Skipmuck on December 02, 2023, 0000 UTC

Title: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: Skipmuck on December 02, 2023, 0000 UTC
0000 UTC Time pips with ID by Prof Plum, followed by Prof Plum and Miss Scarlet mentioning Santa Claus will be visiting
(S9 peaks with light fading, light noise, and excellent audio)
0001 UTC Prof Plum talking about hosting the show...offers to autograph the train conductors ticket
0003 UTC Miss Scarlet..."turn on the transmitter full power and mix a couple of drinks", then "Jingle Bell Rock"-Bobby Helms
0005 UTC "Here Comes Santa Claus"-Gene Autry
0008 UTC Prof Plum & Miss Scarlet chatting..."using customers phones...sold my car to make the down payment on the transmitter...majoring in law...correspondence school...listening audience around 20...let's have a drink"
0009 UTC "Let It Snow"-Dean Martin
0011 UTC One of the HFU Facebook listeners wants to hear some classic Dr Demento, followed by "Jingle Bells"-Singing Dogs
0013 UTC A word from our sponsors..."Medicare Magic Hotline"
0016 UTC Prof Plum with ID, followed by "Up On the Housetop"-Gene Autry
0019 UTC Knock on the door...Santa arrives..."I would like a new station"...Santa with an ID!
0021 UTC "Silver Bells"-YL singer
0024 UTC "Snow Aid" advertisement
0026 UTC "Little Drummer Boy"-YL singer and chorus
0030 UTC "Medicare Magic Zip Code Special" advertisement, followed by "Deck the Halls" using touch tones
0033 UTC Prof Plum with ID, followed by "Holly Jolly Christmas"-Burl Ives
0035 UTC Email from ? wants to hear Prof Plums rap song  ;D
0037 UTC "Please Come Home For Christmas"-?
0040 UTC Prof Plum & Miss Scarlet chatting...plug for the HFU 8)
0041 UTC "Professor Plum has left the building...serving all of free America
0042 UTC "Star Spangled Banner", followed by JFK "ASK NOT"
0044 UTC OFF

Thanks for another great show Prof Plum & Miss Scarlet!
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: Ct Yankee on December 02, 2023, 0001 UTC
Very good reception
0000 Time pips, ID, Brain Brothers, Professor Plum
0001 Frequency, 20 listeners
0005 "Here Comes Santa Claus" Gene Autry
0008 Scarlett/Plum chatting to  "Let It Snow" Bing Crosby
0013 Medicare parody
0016 ID
"Merry Christmas from the Family" Robert Earl Keen, perhaps?
0021 ID to "Silver Bells" Doris Day
0027 "Little Drummer Boy" Henry Mancini
0030 Medicare parody
0042 ".....serving all of free America." to "Star Spangled Banner"
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: N2MLP on December 02, 2023, 0002 UTC
0000 UTC

S 9 +20

Playing Christmas music
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: intellman on December 02, 2023, 0002 UTC
0000 - Crapola is on the air, signal into NYC is S5
0003 - Jingle Bell Rock!

Thanks for the show!!
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: dxwingr on December 02, 2023, 0002 UTC
0001 utc SIO555 direct
Riding the train   professor plum and miss scarlet talking
Jingle bell rock
0006 utc here comes Santa claus 🧑‍🎄 🎅
0010 utc let it snow ❄
0012 utc singing dogs 🐕
0014 utc sponser....Medicare hot line
0016 utc up on the house top
0020 utc professor plum talking to Santa 🎅
0022 utc silver bells 🔔
0025 utc add for snow blower

0026 utc little drummer boy
0030 utc Medicare hot line  zip code special
0034 utc holy jolly Christmas 🎄
0036 utc jack be nimble
0038 utc please come home for Christmas 🎄
0040 utc show ending   mention hfu
Star spangled banner

Thanks for the great show!!!
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: Radio Star on December 02, 2023, 0004 UTC
0000 – ID: You’re Listening to Crapola Shortwave Pirate Radio. All Free, all the time”
0000 – Miss Scarlett & PP discussing their train trip to Brain Brothers world headquarters  center.
0003 – “Jingle Bell Rock” – Bobby Helms
0021 – “Silver Bells” – Doris Day
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: ChrisLobdel on December 02, 2023, 0005 UTC
0003 Jingle Bell Rock -  Bobby Helms S9
0005 Full ID "all free all the time"
        "Here Comes Santa Claus"
0009 Let It Snow - Bing Crosby
0011 Jingle Bells - Singing Dogs
0014 Medicare Magic promo.
0017 Up On The House Top - Gene Autry
0026 Little Drummer Boy - Henry Mancini & His Orchestra
0029 Medicare Magic Hotline ...  zip code repair .
0033 A Holly Jolly Christmas - Burl Ives
0045 off thanks!
0036 Knick Knacks by The Professor ...
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: J. Carlos Pérez Montero on December 02, 2023, 0008 UTC
Receiver Used: kiwiSDR Fair Hill, Maryland
Antenna Used: Wellbrook Loop or OCFD Dipole
Listened date: 2 December 2023 (UTC)
Listening time: 00:05 to 00:45 UTC
Frequency: 6905 USB
SINPO: 55544
Details of the Program:
00:05 UTC Song “Here Comes Santa Claus” (Gene Autry)
00:10 “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” (Bing Crosby)
00:12 “Jingle Bells (Single Version)” (The Singing Dogs & Don Charles)
00:16 “Up On The House Top” (Gene Autry)
00:21 “Silver Bells” (Doris Day)
00:26 “The Little Drummer Boy” (Henry Mancini)
00:34 “A Holly Jolly Christmas” (Voices of Christmas)
00:38 “Please Come Home for Christmas” (Charles Brown)
00:42 “Star Spangled Banner” (Lisa Del Bo & Golden Symphonic Orchestra & Helmut Lotti & Walschaerts & André)
00:45 Issue closure

Audio in Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r5954jqi65f11ico968wf/Crapola-Pirate-Radio-6905-USB-0005-0045-UTC-2-12-2023.mp3?rlkey=448gvh7tyf8z1asw76ivdm8a8&dl=0

Appreciated receiving your eQSL laradioymuchomas@gmail.com
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: K1MLP on December 02, 2023, 0014 UTC
0011 UTC - Let It Snow Bing Crosby
0012 UTC - Jingle Bells Singing Dogs

S9+ Here In Ma. On RSPDx Direct
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: Treehouse SWL on December 02, 2023, 0015 UTC
Listening via the NA5B SDR near Washington, D.C. - strong signal heard

0012 UTC: I heard Miss Scarlett and Professor Plum give an introduction to this piece of Christmas music from Dr. Demento's old show. They then played the dog-barking version of "Jingle Bells."
0014 UTC: Miss Scarlett and PP introducing a phone sketch about the Medicare Magic "All-in-All-in-All-in-One" health plan.
0016 UTC: "Up on the House Top" by Gene Autry, followed by a visit from Santa (who has a suspiciously synth-sounding voice). Santa gave the email address, followed by an ID from the Brain Brothers Pirate Radio Network.
0021 UTC: "Silver Bells" by Doris Day. 
0024 UTC: Pitch for a snow-shoveling "unit" called Snow-Aid.
0026 UTC: Crapola Radio ID into "The Little Drummer Boy" by Henry Mancini.
0030 UTC: Another "All-in-One Medicare" sketch about ZIP code repair.
0033 UTC: Crapola Radio ID, then Burl Ives' version of "A Holly Jolly Christmas."
0035 UTC: Miss Scarlett and Professor Plum talked about the professor performing his "rap song." He then did that, with spoken lyrics from traditional nursery rhymes and kids' songs.
0037 UTC: Crapola Radio ID into "Please Come Home for Christmas" by Charles Brown.
0040 UTC: Professor Plum and Miss Scarlett wrapping up the program, shouting-out HFUnderground.com, and repeating the email address. "Thanks for listening in. See you again soon ... Professor Plum has left the building."
0042 UTC: Final ID announcement, then "The Star-Spangled Banner."
0045 UTC: JFK speech excerpt, a quick tone, and off.

Thanks for the pre-Christmas special!
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: myteaquinn on December 02, 2023, 0016 UTC
0013: At tune heard the end of the dog's barking Jingle Bells. Into the Medicare Magic hotline call.
0021: Silver Bells by Doris Day.
0026: The Little Drummer Boy by Henry Manini.
0039: Please Come Home for Christmas by Charles Brown.
0044: Star Spangled Banner, "Ask not what your country can do for you", tone and off.
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: Paul65 on December 02, 2023, 0025 UTC
0018 utc -Down the chimney with ol St Nick
Your listening to the Brain Bros. Pirate Radio
 2023utc -Silver Bells
0030 Medicare Spoof
0038 Id This is Crapola Radio
0039 This is Christmas
0043 Star Spangled Banner
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: Chuck54 on December 02, 2023, 0028 UTC
Reception into NE Ohio:

S9 + 15  SIO 555  SINPO 55555

0026 UTC Little Drummer Boy by Henry Mancini
0029 Medicare Magic Hotline, Marvin at zip code correction, Medicare All in All plan
0032 A Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives
0035 Email from Fred, request a rap song, Jack be nimble
0037 This Old Man with Prof Plum
0037 ID into Please Come Home for Christmas by Charles Brown
0040 Show wrap up with Prof Plum and Miss Scarlet, HFU shoutout, email address, site
0042 National Anthem
0045 JFK then OTA

Thank you for the broadcast!!!!
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 02 DEC 2023
Post by: ~SIGINT~ on December 02, 2023, 0032 UTC
00:31 UTC - Good readable with Indian accent AI voice and a health care plan.

RSPduo | Wellbrook loop antenna
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: ear in the ether on December 02, 2023, 0033 UTC
6905 khz, S9 +20, Hilarious !!!!   Thank you !!!
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: shadypyro on December 02, 2023, 0041 UTC
Signing off at 00:41 utc with email address given by YL announcer
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: dxace1 on December 02, 2023, 0042 UTC
0039 with close down ancmts
You are listening to Crapola SW Pirate Radio
Email address and greets to HFU
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: Molvania Poacher on December 02, 2023, 0043 UTC

042- Recorded OM ID, with wattage output, and "serving all of Free America."
042- National Anthem by OM and orchestra.
045- Clip of JFK inaugural speech clip.
045- Tone, then...
045- OTA.

I just fired up in time to catch the USS Crapola sail off into the sunset.
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: shadypyro on December 02, 2023, 0044 UTC
National anthem thanks for the show even though I tuned in late.

00:45 utc quote by JFK follow by tone and transmitter off.
Title: Re: Crapola Pirate Radio 6905 USB 0000 UTC 2 DEC 2023
Post by: Professor Plum on December 02, 2023, 1052 UTC
Thank you to all that tuned into our show last evening. Without great listeners like you our shows would not be possible. Future shows will mostly not include eQSL's since we do not believe they are a way of adequately showing our appreciation of the effort required and the thanks that we have for tuning in. The upcoming shows will offer a chance to receive a mailed hard copy QSL or a Brain Brothers Pirate Network coffee mug (like pictured at our site) or a Brain Brothers Pirate Network lanyard. As you might imagine, these are expensive to produce and deliver, so the number of each show will be limited to one of each per show. We hope those who receive one can enjoy them as much as we enjoy sending them out to our great listeners. You are welcome to share this information. Professor Plum/Miss Scarlet.