HFU HF Underground
Loggings => 10/11 meters => Topic started by: R4002 on September 04, 2024, 1548 UTC
155TW321 CB radio channel 1 radio propagation beacon 11m beacon 11 meter beacon 27 MHz CB radio beacon CH1 frequency 26.965 MHz
Transmits every 3 minutes, Morse code CW ID 155TW321
Power output: 1 watt
Antenna: wire dipole, 1/2 wave inverted V configuration half wave dipole
Location: Taiwan
Frequency: 26965 kHz 26.965 MHz
CB radio channel 1
CB radio band plan standard CEPT band EU band CE band USA FCC CB band 26.965 MHz - 27.405 MHz band plan
Tune CB radio frequencies on ham radio or general coverage receiver 26.965 MHz
Tune 26.964 MHz USB or 26.963 MHz USB, CW appears to be just below the 26965.0 center frequency - 26964.4 kHz 26964.5 kHz.
Video of reception by a station in Australia, demonstrating reception of signal on
- an older President Grant export radio (Superstar GR)
- a newer Yaesu FT-950 HF ham rig
- a SDR waterfall display
All credit for the video above goes to 43PR50