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Messages - Molvania Poacher

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SINPO=11111, with weak signal at this QTH, UTE QRM and noise.

106- Can just barely make out Pancho here.

104- I'm hearing what I think is an AM signal on this frequency right now (music too weak to copy), so there may be two stations.

Occasionally the signal rises up, but mostly around or just above the noise level, SINPO=14111, with peaks.

100- Modern instrumental rock under the noise. "Orb" by Khan.

SINPO-=22232, with noise and some RTTY and CW QRM.

039- Soft, slow piano music with a haunting quality.


034- OM synth voice with UK accent says you're listening to Teas Radio Shortwave and gives email address.
034- Funky modern instrumental music with pronounced beat.
036- OM voice back and says he's Captain Rick, then music resumes. "This is Captain Rick, and I'm ready." Repeating phrases over the music.

Not TRS. A spoof.

Big signal here, SINPO=55444.

028- "Saints and Liars" by Gary Numan (Dog howls and yelps over music at 029).
031- OM IDs over music, "Making some noise on the 43 MB, and this is Music for Chameleons, by Mr. Gary Numan."
031- "Music For Chameleons" by Gary Newman.

SINPO=44232, noisy.

2323- Pancho laughing, into theme music "Caminos y Puentes" by Huayucaltia.
2324- Theme music then Pancho IDs the VOPV coming from Pennsylvania. Pancho is talking to Beavis and Butt-head, Glenn Hauser and a YL (with a 900 number). Things get racy.
2327- Pancho IDs The VOPV, into theme music "Caminos y Puentes" by Huayucaltia.
2328- Pancho IDs and starts next show. "Here we go!" into music. Pancho seems excited to have a big birthday party today. Beavis wants to score and have nachos. Called King of the Hill for Bubba.
2331- Pancho calls Glenn Hauser, setting up a big party for Gerry Dexter, who'll be 100.
2331- Pancho calls YL who will bring chicken croquettes.
2333- Music and then Pancho calls an IRS special agent to come to the party, who'd love to.
2333- Singing happy birthday to Gerry Dexter, into theme music "Caminos y Puentes" by Huayucaltia.
2334- YL UK accented synth voice gives email address for eQSL over music, then OM IDs in Spanish over music.
<<Signal now SINPO=44444>>
2334- Pancho kicks off next show from the beautiful pink and purple room at the Fiesta Motor Inn. Reminiscing about the chalk outline on the floor they had to walk around and the SWL Fest prizes. Pancho is getting tired and isn't sure if he'll be able to come back to the Kulpsville Holiday Inn.
2340- Theme music "Caminos y Puentes" by Huayucaltia.
2341- OM IDs in Spanish, then music resumes.
2342- Pancho's next ride begins with his ID and laugh. Pancho is going on a road trip this year to Washington, DC to see what's going on with Monica Lewinsky. Pancho visits with Bill Clinton, who was just putting his pants back on. Oh boy, gargling sounds and things take a turn.
<<2345- Is another op playing an OM synth voice on this same frequency, "Hello hello, this is a radio check?" repeating several times?>>
2345- Theme music "Caminos y Puentes" by Huayucaltia, then YL UK accented synth voice gives email address for eQSL, then OM IDs, all over music.
2346- Pancho starts next show with ID and laugh. Uh oh, Pancho has ED and is going to see an expert, Glenn Hauser. Bob and Liddy Dole endorse Viagra. Pancho takes the whole bottle.
2349- OM IDs in Spanish, into theme music "Caminos y Puentes" by Huayucaltia.
<<2348- Another op playing an OM synth voice on this same frequency, saying something about Pancho.>>
2349- Pancho starts next ride. Pancho woke up from a Viagra overdone in a bunker, so he turned on his radio to World Wide Crackpot Radio, with The Good Ol' Boy Militia Hour, who alleged NASWA (in conjunction with various Canadian DX clubs) are conspiring to brainwash the world to follow Glenn Hauser, the First Beast in the books of Revelations. Quite a cast of characters in the bunker with Pancho.
2353- Theme music "Caminos y Puentes" by Huayucaltia. OM IDs in Spanish, then music resumes.
2354- Pancho's next ride begins, involving off color adventures with Captain Ganja from Tallahassee.
2359- Theme music "Caminos y Puentes" by Huayucaltia. YL UK accented synth voice gives email address for eQSL, then OM IDs in Spanish. Music resumes.
0000- Pancho's next ride. His secret weapon ?? couldn't make it because he tripped over a doughnut again. He'll take a flying hemp magic carpet to go to Afghanistan. Glenn Hauser is looking for Osama Bin Laden. Cutting a deal with WBCQ.
<<0005- Is another op playing Pancho clips underneath?>>
0007- Theme music "Caminos y Puentes" by Huayucaltia.
0007- Jack Nicholson kicks off next show by announcing that the producers were very surprised to learn that the person they hired to play Pancho, General Francisco Franco, has been dead for 25 years.

Kicking back to enjoy the rest of Pancho's historic rides.

0015- Pancho IDs. Simpsons Theme. OM IDs in Spanish. Music, followed by YL UK synth voice with email for eQSL.
0017- "She Is Still A Mystery" by The Lovin' Spoonful.
0018- OM with UK accent provides TRI International email address. And signs off with 73s.
0019- OFF.

Thanks Pancho, relay operator TRI and Mystery Pirate!

SINPO=34322, gaining strength.

2144- "Forever in Blue Jeans" by Neil Diamond.
2146- "All You Zombies" by The Hooters.
2151- Recorded OM ID.
2151- "Moments in Love" by Art Of Noise.

Originally thought he was LSB on 6928...

SINPO=45444, strong signal here.

018- OM talking and playing animal noises, saying they sound like a baby screaming.
020- Electric guitar rock with OM singing.
026- Zeeky talks AC/DC.
027- "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC.


242- OM synth voice.
243- Techno music.
244- Silence.
245- OM voice repeating a short phrase three times.

247- Seemingly gone, and now just an occasional Peskie.

250- OM synth voice repeating something about "a special bulletin."
251- Gone or off again.

SINPO=45444, solid.

107- "Money For Nothing" by Dire Straits.
110- Zeeky recorded clips: "I've been a good boy all day...Making foreskin popular again...What can I tell you, that you haven't already heard before?...Coming from the goat farm tonight...Been a lot of controversy and I won't have it...Strongest together...I've got more Sex Pistols here...Multiple echos off the big dish...The end of the world isn't imminent now...Just a quality check...I'm in a time warp here, etc."
117- Zeeky recorded clips: "5K....10K...That's was an echo!" repeating, with frequency sweep sounds.
118- Zeeky recorded clips about COVID-19 vaccine. "Stay away from Moderna, it will turn you into a werewolf...I really want a drink," repeating.
121- Zeeky recorded clips about tictac UFOs spotted by naval vessel.
122- "Anarchy in the UK" by The Sex Pistols, cut short...
123- Zeeky recorded clip, "that was cut short."
123- Silence.
123- "Hells Bells" by AC/DC.

136- OFF.

A spoof.

SINPO=22222, lots of up and down and UTE QRM with the noise.

027- Hearing spooky sounding music under the noise.
028- Recording of OM talking and laughing.
029- OM and YL spoken word (clips from shows?) over mellow music.
033- Some sound effects (tones) with spoken word over music. Maybe an ID repeated several times rapidly by OM.
034- Pop/rock sounding tune with vocals (YL?)
036- Recording of OM saying something over and over and then laughing.

049- Data.
052- Recording of OM, maybe repeating an ID at first?
052- Rock tune with OM singer.

Lots of mashup and samples, with sound effects and tunes.


135- Upbeat keyboard music.
137- "Bohemian Rhapsody" intro by Queen for just a few seconds., and into...
137- A punk/rock band covering Aha's "Take On Me."
140- "Back in Black" by AC/DC.

Weird signal, SINPO=23222 at best, but something interfering and signal way up and down.

This seems like a different signal than what's being reported by others on this same frequency. It seems like SIGINT and I are hearing the same operator.

032- Soft piano music.
032- OM syth voice over piano music "this is only a test," repeating.
034- OFF, but then back with OM synth voice, "This is a test of the ______ system, this is only a test," repeating.
035- Piano music resumes with OM voice still repeating over it.
036- OFF.
037- Carrier back on, but no audio.
040- OFF.

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns