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Messages - Looking-Glass

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HF Beacons / Re: Russian MX beacons log.
« on: May 16, 2020, 0740 UTC »
Saturday 16th of May 2020:

13.528.4MHz  CW  0740z  "M"  Magadan 419 report.

8.495.4MHz  CW  1017z  "M"  Magadan 419 report.
8.495.3MHz  CW  0742z  "K"  Petropavlovsk 319 report.
8.495.2MHz  CW  1018z  "F"  Vladivostok 529 report.
8.494.8MHz  CW  1534z  "P"  Kaliningrad 519 report.

7.039.4MHz  CW  1015z  "M"  Magadan 519 report.
7.039.3MHz  CW  0845z  "K"  Petropavlovsk 319 report.

5.154.1MHz  CW  1546z  "A"  Astrakhan 419 report.

Spy Numbers / Re: M89 Chinese Military CW
« on: May 09, 2020, 0930 UTC »
Saturday 09th May 2020:

0920z  8.157MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" 319 report.

0922z  6.874MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" 319 report.

1040z  5.691MHz  CW  "v HFL2 HFL2 HFL2 de M6NY M6NY" 419 report.

1043z  4.870MHz  CW  "v M8JF M8JF M8JF de RIS9 RIS9" 519 report.
1100z  4.489MHz  CW  "v HFL2 HFL2 HFL2 de M6NY M6NY" 319 report.

HF Beacons / Re: Russian MX beacons log.
« on: April 27, 2020, 0559 UTC »
Monday 27th April 2020:

20.048.2MHz  CW  0545z  "F"   Vladivostok 319-419 report. (first time heard)

16.332.4MHz  CW  0547z  "M"  Magadan 419 report.

13.528.4MHz  CW  0550z  "M"  Magadan 519 report.
13.528.2MHz  CW  0550z  "F"  Vladivostok 519 report.

8.495.3MHz  CW  0805z  "K"  Petropavlovsk 419 report.
8.495.2MHz  CW  1020z  "F"  Vladivostok 519 report.

7.039.3MHz  CW  0810z  "K"  Petropavlovsk 319 report.
7.039.4MHz  CW  1140z  "M"  Magadan 529 report.

5.156.8MHz  CW  1645z  "L"  St Petersburg 419 report.
5.154.4MHz  CW  1142z  "M"  Magadan 519 report.

HF Beacons / Re: Russian MX beacons log.
« on: April 26, 2020, 0751 UTC »
Sunday 26th April 2020:

13.528.4MHz  CW  0740z  "M"  Magadan 519 report.
13.528.2MHz  CW  0740z  "F"  Vladivostok 419 report.

8.495.3MHz  CW  0742z  "K"  Petropavlovsk 419 report.
8.495.2MHz  CW  1105z  "F"  Vladivostok 419 report.

7.039.3MHz  CW  0745z  "K"  Petropavlovsk 519 report.

HF Beacons / Re: Russian MX beacons log.
« on: April 02, 2020, 0530 UTC »
Thursday 02nd April 2020:

16.332.4MHz  CW  0630z  "M"  Magadan 319 report. in/out.

13.528.4MHz  CW  0631z  "M"  Magadan 519 report.
13.528.2MHz  CW  0733z  "F"  Vladivostok 529 report.
13.527.7MHz  CW  0520z  "D"  Sevastapol 419 report.

8.495.4MHz  CW  0855z  "M"  Magadan 529 report.
8.495.3MHz  CW  0855z  "K"  Petropavlovsk 529 report.
8.494.8MHz  CW  0545z  "P"  Kaliningrad 519 report.

7.039.3MHz  CW  0857z  "K"  Petropavolvsk 539 report.
7.039.2MHz  CW  0857z  "F"  Vladivostok 519 report.

Utility / Re: Marine CW beacons/markers log.
« on: March 31, 2020, 2256 UTC »
Any one hearing XSV Tianjin?

The last two known frequencies on 8MHz have been replaced with XSG Shanghai in last few months.

Maybe XSV has been withdrawn from service?

Post please if you hear it with frequency date/time in UTC and report...LG ;)

Utility / Re: XSG Shanghai Maritime radio beacon
« on: March 31, 2020, 2252 UTC »
Chad, if you are interested there is a full  listing of the marine  CW beacons topic on this page at:

Marine CW/markers log

You can submit your logs as a "reply"  on the page...LG :)

Fishing Drift Net Beacons / Re: DNB Logs Mar 2020
« on: March 28, 2020, 0937 UTC »
Saturday 28th March 2020:

2.689MHz  CW  VM6  0911z  579 report. (continuous)
2.463MHz  CW  ED8  0914z  529 report.

HF Beacons / Re: Russian MX beacons log.
« on: March 27, 2020, 0558 UTC »
Friday 27th March 2020:

16.332.2MHz  CW  0535z  "F"  Vladivostok 319 report.

13.528.4MHz  CW  0633z  "M"  Magadan 529 report.
13.528.2MHz  CW  0633z  "F"  Vladivostok 539 report.
13.527.7MHz  CW  0538z  "D"  Sevastapol 419 report.

8.495.4MHz  CW  0902z  "M"  Magadan 529 report.
8.495.3MHz  CW  0750z  "K"  Petropavlovsk 539 report.
8.495.2MHz  CW  0901z  "F"  Vladivostok 519 report.
8.494.8MHz  CW  1603z  "P"  Kaliningrad 419 report.

7.039.3MHz  CW  0752z  "K"  Petropavlovsk 549 report.
7.039.2MHz  CW  0911z  "F"  Valdivostok 419 report.

5.154.4MHz  CW  1606z  "M"  Magadan 319 report.

Huh? / Corona Virus panic buying...
« on: March 26, 2020, 0122 UTC »
What has toilet paper to do with the Corona Virus I ask our knowledgeable readers?

Toilet paper will not prevent Corona Virus
Toliet paper will not cure Corona Virus

So why  the panic buying in Australian stores?  Not only toilet paper but face masks, paper towels, sanitary wipes tissues are also being panic bought by "intellectually challenged" consumers.  Rice, pasta, instant noodles and frozen pizza are also being snapped up, supermarkets with empty shelves are common place, especially in the cities, not so much in the rural areas.

However, we in the country regions are not spared the city antics, charter buses (complete with a trailer attached) have converged out here from Sydney and go through our supermarkets like a locust plague buying up all the fore mentioned and heading back to Sydney.

Last week on national TV three women were shown fighting in the supermarket aisle over the last rolls of toilet paper, in another episode an elderly woman in her 70's with a walking frame was shoved aside by another woman in her early 30's for rolls of paper towel.

A school boy on a Sydney  train was screamed at with a torrent of abuse by some other passengers because he sneezed without covering his mouth, the errant behaviour goes on day by day, some weird, some bizzare and others quiet frightening.

The "Me for me" society at its best.

If this is the best society can do with a virus what would happen if we were suddenly plunged into a war?  :(

Utility / Re: Marine CW beacons/markers log.
« on: March 26, 2020, 0105 UTC »
Marine CW beacons have been updated today Thursday 26th March 2020.

Any news such as additions or call sign changes and other observations welcome, please post with date and time (UTC format) and report.

Utility / Turkish State Met Office 4.560.0MHz CW
« on: March 24, 2020, 2007 UTC »
Stumbled across this one by pure accident this morning while look for MX1 loggings on 4.558MHz:

4.560.0MHz  CW  1955z  "TAH" preceded with buzz tones, Turkish State Met Office, Istanbul Turkey. 539 report.

Utility / Re: Marine CW beacons/markers log.
« on: March 24, 2020, 2004 UTC »
New logging heard this morning by accident Tue 24th March 2020:

4.560.0MHz  CW  "TAH" preceded with buzz tones, Turkish State Met Office, Istanbul, Turkey. 539 report 1955z.

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Vanuatu 2.485MHz
« on: March 24, 2020, 1027 UTC »
Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, Vanuatu with Pacific regional news started at 1000z with male & female announcers in Tok Pidgin langauge. 5X9 plus 10dB over report.

Fishing Drift Net Beacons / Re: DNB Logs Mar 2020
« on: March 24, 2020, 0749 UTC »
Tuesday 24th March 2020:

2.437MHz  CW  SK0  0742z  539 report.
2.280MHz  CW  SX3  0744z  569 report.
2.122MHz  CW  HO3 1002z  319 report.

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HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns