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Messages - Bali_Frank

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 [41] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ... 464
signal S8-9 on the SDR in Fair Hill, Maryland
23.07 talking (a man) / DX information
23.13 postal address
23.13 song (a woman)
23.18 talking (a man)

signal S6+- on the SDR in Elida, Ohio
22.34 song "Sugar, Sugar"

signal S5 on the SDR in Elida, Ohio
21.42 song (a man)
21.46 talking, ID (a man)

QSLs Received / N.A.P.R.S (Radio Azteca Relay) eQSL 23 Jan 2023
« on: January 22, 2023, 2014 UTC »
Thank you for this eQSL

signal S5+ on the SDR in Rockport, Maine
17.39 ID, greetings to reporters (a man)
17.41 song "Wait For Me"
17.43 song (a man)

Thank you for the show. If possible, please QSL. Thank you.

signal S9+- on the SDR in Vermont / 6975.6
12.49 conversation (two men) / Pirate Radio, QSL
13.04 music "Jingle Bells" + ID, email and postal address (a woman)
13.06 ID (a man)
13.06conversation (two men)

Thank you for the show. If possible, please QSL. Thank you.

signal S7 on the SDR in SW England
11.23 song in Dutch (a woman)

signal S7 on the SDR in SW England
10.55 music "Flash"
10.57 song "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"
11.01 song "Elderberry Wine"

signal S7 on the SDR in Fair Hill, Maryland
01.37 song / unknown

signal S9+15-20 on the SDR in Vermont
00.43 song "I'm Afraid Of Americans V2"
00.48 ID (a man)
00.48 song "Little Wonder"
00.54 ID (a woman)
00.54 song "Dead Man Walking"
01.01 ID (a woman)
01.01 music
01.02 off

Thank you for the show. If possible, please QSL. Thank you.

signal S9+5-10 on the SDR in Fair Hill, Maryland / 6880
23.16 talking (a woman)
23.17 short music
23.17 interview with Chris Smolinski / shortwave listening, DX, Pirate Radio

Thank you for the show. If possible, please QSL. Thank you.

signal S5 on the SDR in SW England
i13.45 nstrumental music

ID from the OP in the chat

signal S7 on the SDR in SW England
13.39 song "Owner Of A Lonely Heard"

ID from the OP in the chat

QSLs Received / Ball Smacker eQSL 21 Jan 2023
« on: January 21, 2023, 0237 UTC »
Thank you for this eQSL

signal S8-9 on the SDR in Elida, Ohio
01.59 piano
02.00 ID
02.00 song "Everybody Dance"
02.06 song "Do You Want To Dance"
02.08 ID
02.08 song "Tiny Dancer"

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns