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Messages - Kilokat7

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Huge massive signal here!  S9+10.  Sounding great.  Thank you Radio Ronin!

It's rare for me to catch any decent audio from 177, but it's coming in well tonight and probably the best I've ever heard it.  Playing classical music at the moment.  Oddly, the other LW broadcast channels are relatively dead here.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: X-FM 6925 AM *0118 UTC 31Jan14
« on: January 31, 2014, 0318 UTC »
X-FM reaching Italy right now at 0315z via Perseus remote SDR located in Botticino, Italy.  S4 signal and music recognizable.  Antenna is listed as a 200 meter beverage directed towards Central America.  Nice going Redhat!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: X-FM 6925 AM *0118 UTC 31Jan14
« on: January 31, 2014, 0141 UTC »
Fired up the SDR to listen to X-FM and discovered one of my BOGs must be disconnected out back at the feedpoint.  Too much cold, snow and darkness to fix right now, so X-FM only S5-S6 here tonight on the single BOG.  Would surely be a better signal report if I were combining the two wires.  Nice to hear Redhat and X-FM again!

S7 and probably the strongest I've heard you Gaga.  Thanks for the tunes tonight!

MW Loggings / 1050x2 WEPN harmonic on 2100 khz 0157 UTC 1/23/2014
« on: January 23, 2014, 0201 UTC »
WEPN "ESPN Deportes Radio" noted on 2100 khz with Spanish sports talk.  I'm assuming this is WEPN as I see no other Spanish ESPN outlets listed on 1050.  Strong at times, then fading down to nothing, and rising back up again.

MW Loggings / Re: Mixing Product? 1760 AM 2343 UTC 22 Jan 2014
« on: January 23, 2014, 0123 UTC »
I've got it here too, but very weak.  I can tell there's audio there at times, but it's much too weak to understand any of it.  Sounds like a harmonic or mixing product.  Check for parallels on 880 if you have good enough audio.

Must have sold a lot of T-shirts, massive signal here, sounding excellent, great music selection as always.  Thanks!

QSLs Received / Re: 1620 WJDI pirate QSL received after 25 years!
« on: January 22, 2014, 0137 UTC »
Thanks guys.  Dave has provided me with all the history on WJDI which I am currently compiling into an article.  More to follow in coming weeks...

QSLs Received / 1620 WJDI pirate QSL received after 25 years!
« on: January 20, 2014, 1216 UTC »
This came in the mail last week from pirate WJDI after sending the operator a report last year for a broadcast that took place in 1989.  This came beautifully framed as shown, 8-1/2" x 11" card with hand written note explaining it would be the last WJDI QSL issued:

For those that don't know or remember, WJDI operated on 1620 kHz during the late 80s-early 90s before the AM expanded band existed.  WJDI was famous for running very high powered homebrew transmitters ranging from 2.5 to 15kw.

Many thanks to Dave for this great QSL, first class all the way!

Solid S8 with crash & bang electronic music.  Thanks for the tunes

How'd you hear about this?

MW loggings forum :-)

Longwave Loggings / Longwave good tonight: 0300 UTC 1/17/2014
« on: January 17, 2014, 0318 UTC »
I'm currently listening to music from Iceland on 189 khz.  162, 171, 183, 198 also in, even 177 is making the trip tonight!

I'm copying the test loop tonight here too.  If the power has been increased from 10 watts to 100 watts then it's making no difference on the received signal here.  It's coming in no stronger.

Just came on the frequency at 0506z with Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows. S5 and topping the others at the moment, same show as earlier on 1720.

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