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Messages - KB4YHO

Pages: [1] 2 3
2050 SIO 555
2058 Prank phone call advert
2101 My Benz got light blue scratches on it...

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6900 USB 2024 utc 27 Sep 2019
« on: September 27, 2019, 2027 UTC »
2024 UNID 6900 USB
SIO 444
2024 Hip hop tune
2025 Drowning Pool “Bodies”
Off the Air now
2033 Back on for a second then Tool “46 & 2”
2026 Tool “Prison sex”
2038 ?
SIO 555 good signal
2040 recorded call
2041 Off the Air

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6900 USB 2111 UTC 25 Sep 2019
« on: September 25, 2019, 2140 UTC »
2139 6900 USB
SIO 444

2149 JL Hooker    DJ repeating same tunes??
2201 “Detachable Penis”

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6930 USB 2002 UTC 25 Sep 2019
« on: September 25, 2019, 2059 UTC »
2053 6930 USB
SIO 333
2053 ZZ Top “Heard it in the X” Fandango
More ZZ Top
2058 Commander Cody “Hotrod Lincoln”
2100 Country type tune
2105 Weird polka navy tune “F them all”
2109 Radio Colbane ID
2110 Nirvana    What was the DJ saying???
2113 DJ taking phone call from Mitch. Topic “Clouds man” The angles are all wrong....
2118 That call came from the valley dude
2119 Secret agent man samples...
2120 Government Weather Control...
2123 Green Acres theme...
2124 Email QSL info    Radio Tornado
2125 Flinstones theme..
2127 A mix of stuff then gone.
Not sure what to make of that show. Different

Yes Radio Marijuana was a relay from Uruguay and is still broadcasting.
Now in English as Radio Humperdoo “Drunken radio pirate”

SIO still 444 with fading.

2143 I’m famous...thanks for the shout out!
Humperdoo Radio you made my day....

2147 SIO back to 555
My radio is melting down from this metal/punk show!
Keep up the heavy ness. Fantastic!

2159 Signal is absolutely blasting in here.
10db over S9. Dog barking......in the back ground...

2209 I could hear your dog cause your signal is crushing my front end. 300 whiskeys is getting it done in NOVA.  Also good selection!

2058 6927 USB Radio Marijuana
SIO 555
Extremely strong and steady signal here in Northern Virginia. 10-15db over S9.

Excellent playlist.
Thanks to the DJ’s and air staff at “Radio Marijuana” for a great show!

2137 SIO 444 pretty rough fading
2137 nice Sax

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6940 USB 2043 UTC 17 Sep 2017
« on: September 17, 2017, 2057 UTC »
UNID 6940 USB SIO 333 in Aldie, VA
2044 Led Zeppelin "Kashmir"
2051 OFF
Signal peaked over S9 at the end good fidelity with nice bottom end.
2057 Back on
2100 Van Halen "Little Guitars"
2105 ID Clever Name Radio
2105 Supertramp " Logical song"
2109 ID Clever Name Radio
2109 Tom Petty "??"
2111 OFF
2119 Back on
2119 ??
2121 "Hello"
2122 SIO 444
2126 Public Service message
2127 ??
2129 OFF
2134 Back on
2135 Techno ??
2141 Robot ??

Pirate Radio Boston Christmas Special
SIO555 some slight fading

Thanks Chris for the help...

Twisted Lucy, Ricky, Fred dialogue
Laugh track is funny.....

2133 ID,email

CBGB's jukebox? Wow!
SIO555 little narrow on the TBW but still decent....

North American Shortwave Pirate / Bogart movie audio 6925 AM
« on: December 18, 2015, 2040 UTC »
2021 UTC 6925 AM unid Playing a Bogart movie audio track. Movie?? S7 signal
2030 UTC 6925 AM unid off the air

S8 in Virginia

Thanks for the mix.

0227 Radio Jihad ID
S7 noisey, fading

2322 S9 big fading, hearing background modulation too....

Pages: [1] 2 3
HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns