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Author Topic: How hard is it to find a numbers station on KiwiSDR  (Read 1257 times)

Offline Mick Boyle

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How hard is it to find a numbers station on KiwiSDR
« on: February 21, 2025, 1613 UTC »
I have never heard one live and I would like to. Any suggestions about when and where to find them would be appreciated. Also, do you have to listen for long periods to hear one? Thanks.
eQSLs welcome:    cliyok@post.com    Thank you.
Mick Boyle in NW Pennsylvania
Listening on Tecsun PL-330, + KiwiSDR and WebSDR. Using Shazam to ID songs

Offline ThaDood

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Well, I don't actually hunt for them on purpose, but run into these by accident every time. Lately, the most places have been either right on, or next to, WBCQ's FREQ's. http://www.wbcq.com/  Go figure... Other times have been around the 43M area from 6800kHz to 6995kHz. Usually around stupid-o'clock at night, like 06:00UTC, or so. Then, in the middle of the daytime, I've heard them around 11400kHz - 11995kHz, 13500kHz - 13995kHz, and 15040kHz - 15995kHz. So, sooner, or later, you'll stumble upon one, and most likely it will totally cover-up a station that you are trying to ID. (Um, yeah...)
“I am often asked how radio works. Well, you see, wire telegraphy
is like a very long cat. You yank his tail in New York and he
meows in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? Now, radio is
exactly the same, except that there is no cat.”
-Attributed to Albert Einstein, but I ripped it from the latest Splatter .PDF March 2025 issue.

Offline Ct Yankee

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Re: How hard is it to find a numbers station on KiwiSDR
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2025, 1915 UTC »
Hi Mick -

If the link came through correctly, this is the current HM01 Cuban Spy Numbers (misspelled on chart) broadcast times.  The larger question here is whether HM01 is still broadcasting due to hurricane damage and power outages on the island.  Days highlighted in blue are broadcast days.


I just found a couple of others for China:
« Last Edit: February 21, 2025, 1926 UTC by Ct Yankee »
Tecsun H501x (broadcast received on this unless noted), Zenith T/O G500, Zenith T/O Royal 7000, Emerson AR-176, Zenith 8S154, T/O 7G605 (Bomber), Tecsun PL-600, Tecsun PL-880, Zenith 5S320, Realistic DX 160 using 40 feet of copper wire.  With apologies to Senator Gramm for his thoughts on firearms, "I have more radios than I need but not as many as I want."
QTH:  Durham, Connecticut (rural setting, 15 miles north of Long Island Sound)
qsl please to:  jamcanner@comcast.net  (Thank you)

Offline Sealord

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Re: How hard is it to find a numbers station on KiwiSDR
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2025, 1923 UTC »
Priyom is also a great resource listing both who & when is on the air and the target areas which could help with deciding what sdr to pick.


I can hear V13 (Taiwan) on mornings when conditions are right (13974 USB) at 12:00z, but most of the Russian stations are hit & miss at my location.
All reception direct unless noted - G33DDC & RX340/4SQ Array - Off Air/Studio Recordings -  sealord40m@yahoo.com

Offline Ct Yankee

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Re: How hard is it to find a numbers station on KiwiSDR
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2025, 1931 UTC »

Thanks for sharing priyom, never knew about it.
Tecsun H501x (broadcast received on this unless noted), Zenith T/O G500, Zenith T/O Royal 7000, Emerson AR-176, Zenith 8S154, T/O 7G605 (Bomber), Tecsun PL-600, Tecsun PL-880, Zenith 5S320, Realistic DX 160 using 40 feet of copper wire.  With apologies to Senator Gramm for his thoughts on firearms, "I have more radios than I need but not as many as I want."
QTH:  Durham, Connecticut (rural setting, 15 miles north of Long Island Sound)
qsl please to:  jamcanner@comcast.net  (Thank you)

Offline Sealord

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Re: How hard is it to find a numbers station on KiwiSDR
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2025, 1957 UTC »

Thanks for sharing priyom, never knew about it.

NP :)  They also have a presence on the Dischord chat as well.
All reception direct unless noted - G33DDC & RX340/4SQ Array - Off Air/Studio Recordings -  sealord40m@yahoo.com

Offline Mick Boyle

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Re: How hard is it to find a numbers station on KiwiSDR
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2025, 2233 UTC »
Thank you ThaDood Ct Yankee and Sealord. This info will help me to look for them. If I find one I will record and post it. Thanks!

I found one in Spanish. Thanks to Priyom and you guys

« Last Edit: February 23, 2025, 0307 UTC by Mick Boyle »
eQSLs welcome:    cliyok@post.com    Thank you.
Mick Boyle in NW Pennsylvania
Listening on Tecsun PL-330, + KiwiSDR and WebSDR. Using Shazam to ID songs

Offline prldx

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Re: How hard is it to find a numbers station on KiwiSDR
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2025, 0824 UTC »
Rx: AR7030 / Perseus
Ant: MK-1
Location: Austria

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