« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2014, 0131 UTC »
S5 to S7 and the lightning crashes are chopping it up pretty badly.
Music with spoken words. Wish I had better copy, what I do hear sounds like it could be interesting.
0135z - "Get Behind the Mule" by Tom Waits
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 0138 UTC by refmo »
Northeast Kentucky
Please eQSL to refmo[at]outlook[dot]com
Radios: Afedri AFE822x, Airspy HF+, RX-888, RSPdx, Tecsun PL880
Antennas: 700' Loop Skywire, Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop, 400' Beverage, 34' Vertical, low dipoles on upper bands.