Yes, that was V30. It started its first of three identical messages at 1557 UTC. This station uses only 10255 kHz USB as near as I can tell, I have never heard, or heard of it, on other frequencies. The clock of the PC that the recording is run from (it is a live voice recorded once, then sent as needed) moves forward slightly each day, so that the start time gets earlier and earlier. When the start time gets to about 1555 UTC the operators apparently sync the clock, and start time moves back to about 1600 UTC.
The station transmits any day but Sunday, but that does not mean it is every day. Some months there are only one or two transmissions, other months might have 20. But the same message is sent sometimes for months on end.
Yeah, it is an odd ball.
Its sister CW station, M97, has essentially identical operational habits, except that it is on 10375 kHz CW and one hour earlier, at about 1500 UTC.
T! (Z on Twente)