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Author Topic: Radio Doctor Tim ? 6220.2 AM 1650 utc 28 apr 2019  (Read 487 times)

Offline Ray Lalleu

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Radio Doctor Tim ? 6220.2 AM 1650 utc 28 apr 2019
« on: April 28, 2019, 1654 UTC »
on 6220.2+
1650 music and talking, end of a greek-like song,
1652 talking in E, ID Radio ...., also in other language ?
1656 pop song by W, and OM talking mixed with the song, can't copy a word
1658 ..Radio Marabu..  (not an ID ?), 1659 next song (much clearer than the mike)
This is Radio macadilly (?) etc...   [ reminds me something old on the SW ]
Maybe the main language is German ? but very hard, always mixed with the pops
1710 Radio Doctor Tim ?, blank, 1711 song, 1712 same name
1715 now talking without music, several names mentionned, still hard to understand (muffled)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 1718 UTC by Ray Lalleu »
D/E/F/G/It/Sp : Dutch/English/French/German/Italian/Spanish
+/- : about 0.02 offset, ++/-- 0.03/0.04 offset
Balanced wire antennas, wire lines and ATU
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Offline Brian

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Re: Unid 6220.2 AM 1650 utc 28 apr 2019
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2019, 1704 UTC »
Due to the mush just above 6220, I have to tune down to 6219 to hear this. Very muffled audio making ID difficult.


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