« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2012, 0301 UTC »
excellent signal tonight. What a fool I've been listening to brazilian music on R nacional amazonias when I could have been hanging out on 6940.
318z off suddenly during Ship of fools by the Dead. was still quite strong here until it was gone.
325z I think he's still there just weaker. I turned on my little MFJ preselector/tuner & I could hear him still.
335z probably not wolverine but White boy lost in the blues & Mannish Boy are coming up a little S5 over S4 noise.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 0336 UTC by glimmer twin »

KCMO Icom R 75 , SDR-IQ, Grundig Satellit 750 ,Tecsun PL 880, Tecsun PL660 , Tecsun PL380 & PL360 10 meter random wire w/ RF systems MLB Alpha Delta SWL DX sloper
qsl keithglimmer810@gmail.com
gentlemen,you can not fight in here, this is the war room