2257 UTC OM speaking followed by interval signal of TV theme music from Mission Impossible (S9 signal with light QRM from co-channel peskies, and light selective fading)
2304 UTC ID's..."Truth Radio International...six thousand nine hundred and twenty five kilohertz" over jazz music
2308 UTC OM with Radio Clandestine ID
2309 UTC "Roll Over Beethoven"-Beatles
2315 UTC Spoken word skit with R F Burns..."what goes on...at Radio Clandestine", followed by "Just Another Night"
2323 UTC R F Burns..."music will continue after a word from our sponsors"..."Marijuana Helper"
2328 UTC OM with "There is nothing wrong with your radio....high speed dub from the original tape deck"
2332 UTC Off suddenly
Thanks for bringing back some great memories of hearing Radio Clandestine! Heard them 4 times in the 1980's and my first US pirate QSL!