« on: February 13, 2014, 0307 UTC »
No Cuban jamming heard on freq. "Viva Miami" in English with reception reports & talk about living in Okeechobee. Great signal on PL660 as I walked the dog. I always thought Viva Miami was in Spanish. After 3:00z it was in Spanish. Slight splatter from rejuvenated Radio Cairo on 9965.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 1401 UTC by glimmer twin »
KCMO Icom R 75 , SDR-IQ, Grundig Satellit 750 ,Tecsun PL 880, Tecsun PL660 , Tecsun PL380 & PL360 10 meter random wire w/ RF systems MLB Alpha Delta SWL DX sloper
qsl keithglimmer810@gmail.com
gentlemen,you can not fight in here, this is the war room