Nice S9 w S15 peaks. Easy copy
2257, Hit Me Where It Hurts (in progress)
2259, DJ gab, Fearless Freddy & his illegal transmitter
2302, Deep Purple - Knocking At Your Back Door
2307, DJ gab, dialog snippet mashup, spot, WAZU email addy, partial birth aborters ad spoof
2312, Slade - Move Over
2316, DJ gab, Melissa Etheridge tune
2320, Schwarznegger parody,
2324, --band really falling apart now!!--
2326, --signal uncopyable till...--
2334, YL voice
2335, DJ gab about Internet making pirate radio ignorable
2343, Weird Al - Claim To Fame
2346, DJ gab "About to get out of here" -- April Wine - Enough Is Enough
2351, email addy.
2352, ---off---
=== Thanx for the k00l tunes WAZU !!! ===