10/29/11, 6925 USB, 2353z: Heard TCS relay fire up with the strongest signal I've heard so far for this program. Doors "The Crystal Ship" intro, ID for TCS Shortwave Relay Network, Juliana Montana standard TCS ID, Donner Pass Family BBQ spoof ad.
0012z: A very sober recitation of Ramones "Psycho Therapy" dedicated to "Commander" somebody... sounded more like Murphy than bunny? Not sure I heard correctly.
0020z: Sounded like announcer reading letters from listeners.
0023z: "Never trust a puppet" song.
0030z: Radical's political commentary "Shots From the Port Side"
0035z: Yosemite Sam bit, TCS ID
0045z: My metal-fu is weak, but I think this is Metallica "Master of Puppets"
0050z: Quint's "Spanish Ladies" song, Ramones, sounds like wrap-up.
0056z: Sounds like same op fired up another show immediately after TCS program. Still very good signal, somewhat deeper fades. Van Hagar "Top of the World"
0100z: Dead air or off after VH song. Some very weak signal or whistling in background
Local RFI level is fairly high tonight but this signal is punching through even with the Palstar's attenuator kicked in to reduce noise.
SINPO=43344, one of the best signals I've heard in months. Actually got stronger after first 30 minutes.
Off-air recording of nearly complete show:
http://www.mediafire.com/?m6x40sox6ejnoomNote - that's a temporary link, good for only a few days. I'll add it to my Internet Archives collection later. It's a 60-minute mp3 at 64 kbps/32 kHz, a ginormous 28 MB, but I recorded at a high rate in case I planned to use hiss/noise reduction later.