Good signal 20 miles south of Richmond, Va., actual frequency 6949.70, SINPO=44444
0105 Wolverine Radio ID, R&B music
0107 more R&B
0110 more R&B, great program
0113 Wolverine Radio ID, R&B music
0115 "Rocking Pneumonia and Boogie Woogie Blues"
0119 switch to Rock
0121 Wolverine Radio ID
0122 more Rock
0127 "Cold Fever"
0131 "You Give Me Fever"
0134 more Rock
0140 "Let Us Be Together Tonight"....nice song
0143 "Free of My Disease"
0146 Wolverine Radio ID and into more music
0150 more Rock
0154 Wolverine Radio ID and tones
0156 Left the air abruptly
Tecsun PL-880 and Sony AN-LP1 antenna