The Summit FM 2790.0 kHz AM 04:06 UTC 06 FEBRUARY 2022
04:06 UTC - UNID with 1929 music and partial ID "Global Radio". IDed as "The Summit FM". Playing "100 Years of Music - Cruising the Decades, Global Edition";
04:12 UTC - Nice S7 signal. Not sure how this is making its way onto 2790 kHz;
04:15 UTC - Additional info on transmission, The Summit FM, Akron Ohio via Radio Miami International (WRMI).
04:59 UTC - WRMI station ID.
Note: 2790 may be a harmonic. I found the broadcast on 5950.0 kHz at a whopping S+30 ~ +35 signal level.
RSPduo | Barker & Williamson antenna | Toronto, Ontario Canda