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Author Topic: 11m SSTV 17 JAN 2023  (Read 604 times)

Offline ButchKidd

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11m SSTV 17 JAN 2023
« on: January 17, 2023, 1843 UTC »
There was a TON of DX from Europe on 11m this morning, and I received more SSTV images on 27700 KHz USB that has been normal here.  Things seem to have settled down for now, but if the band opens up again, I may update this post.  Received locally at my QTH in the Southeastern US with an AirSpy HF+ Discovery and 130 ft inverted L antenna.

Interestingly, I think everything I decoded today was from Europe.  I didn't notice any familiar calls from the US or Canada I've seen on the last few days.

I've gone through and removed all of the images that were only static or decoded so poorly that it wasn't possible to make anything out, but I'm including several with very weak signals to emphasize just how active 11m SSTV was today.

eQSL appreciated at x100rocks@gmail.com
Airspy HF+ Discovery, Yaesu FT-857D and FT-450D, Whistler TRX2
130 ft OCF, 130 ft inverted L, 11m ground plane


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