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Author Topic: U.S. Pushes Agencies to Free Up Spectrum  (Read 1070 times)


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U.S. Pushes Agencies to Free Up Spectrum
« on: June 15, 2013, 1514 UTC »
The one thing they don't want to do is to hamstring the military's war against garage door openers...

U.S. Pushes Agencies to Free Up Spectrum
Michael Nagle for The New York Times

Published: June 14, 2013

WASHINGTON — Three years after President Obama laid out an ambitious plan to double the country’s supply of airwaves for use in high-speed wireless Internet service, the White House on Friday announced efforts intended in part to spur participation by government agencies that have been slow to join the cause.

Without additional airwaves for consumer and business use, administration officials say, the “skyrocketing demand of consumer and broadband business users” for wireless service for smartphones, tablets and other devices will soon outgrow the supply.

For consumers, the initiative could allow cellphone and wireless broadband companies to eventually increase the reliability of their networks, meaning fewer dropped calls and shorter delays in loading video and other large files.

It also could create jobs, the administration says. It cites industry studies reporting that since 2007, more than 500,000 jobs have been created in what is known as the App Economy — the business of creating and selling applications and programs that take advantage of faster Internet speeds and more advanced devices.

The administration said it would invest $40 million in the next year and $60 million more over the next five years to find ways for government agencies to share lightly used airwaves that are under federal control with private wireless communications companies.

Mr. Obama directed federal agencies to make more capacity available by enhancing the efficiency of their spectrum use and to recommend ways of using financial or other incentives to increase sharing of airwaves by government agencies.

“The number of wireless devices is exploding, and that means increasing demands on the spectrum upon which they all rely,” Gene B. Sperling, director of the National Economic Council, said in a White House blog post on Friday. “The federal government helps manage that resource, and we know we can do a better job of unleashing innovation by ensuring more of it is shared, unlicensed for innovations like Wi-Fi, and better used by our departments and agencies.”

One roadblock to that seemingly unlimited growth potential, however, is the reluctance of some parts of the government to part with any of their vast holdings of the nation’s electromagnetic spectrum — the airwaves used by cellphone and wireless communications companies.

In 2010, Mr. Obama directed government agencies to work to free up 500 megahertz of spectrum from federal and private sector sources. Those efforts have been embraced by numerous federal departments, administration officials say.

But a few others, including the Defense Department, have expressed wariness not only at sharing or giving up any of their designated frequencies, but even at revealing the amount and location of airwaves they control. Doing so could compromise national security, Pentagon officials say.

An administration official cited one hypothetical example where an executive department might use a certain frequency for about 12 hours a week of training activities. One agency might be willing to confine its use to prescribed hours, and allow commercial users to share the airwaves at other times, while another department might say it needs the flexibility to be able to use the airwaves at any time.

The Defense Department has said it supports the president’s goals of freeing up spectrum, but noted that an increasingly electronically armed military had its own rising needs for spectrum. The administration emphasized that any new plans to free spectrum should not interfere with “mission-critical capabilities” of military and other government departments.

Nevertheless, the intransigency of some departments has frustrated lawmakers.

“I have long called for a thorough inventory of all public spectrum assets in order to gauge usage and improve efficiency, and have been frustrated by how this debate has dragged out over the past four years,” Senator Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat, said Friday. “Federal agencies should have the spectrum they need to protect the public, but no one should be warehousing spectrum.”

The Commerce Department has identified more than 300 megahertz of spectrum controlled by the federal government that could be set aside for other uses. The remainder of the 500 megahertz defined as the goal by the administration would come from the so-called incentive auctions that were authorized as part of the 2012 Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act.

That law provided for the government to share the proceeds of auctions of newly cleared spectrum with television broadcasters who would willingly sell some or all of their spectrum licenses.

Perhaps the most interesting and highly charged recommendation in the president’s directive is one ordering recommendations for incentives that could be used to persuade government departments to share or give up spectrum.

A study released last year by a presidential advisory council on science and technology recommended that the government create a “synthetic” currency that could be used to entice federal agencies. The system would in effect increase an agency’s budget if it gave up or shared its airwaves.

Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel of the Federal Communications Commission, who has also been advocating such a system since joining the agency in May 2012, about the time the advisory council’s report was released, said federal spectrum policy should be built “on carrots, not sticks.”

“Our traditional three-step process for reallocating federal spectrum — clearing federal users, relocating them, and then auctioning the cleared spectrum for new use — is reaching its limits,” she said. The new initiatives, however, “are a significant step toward meeting the country’s spectrum needs.”


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Re: U.S. Pushes Agencies to Free Up Spectrum
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2013, 0913 UTC »
Why not let the geeks at Google or something figure it out.... more brains there than at any government agency ???


Offline Pigmeat

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Re: U.S. Pushes Agencies to Free Up Spectrum
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2013, 2210 UTC »
It sounds like Gene is a member just like his cousin Sy.


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