"WASHINGTON, April 25, 2024—The Federal Communications Commission today proposed fines against seven pirate radio operators under the Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act (PIRATE Act) for operating six pirate radio stations. These pirate radio stations, investigated during the Enforcement Bureau’s sweep in the Boston area under the PIRATE Act, now face proposed fines totaling $857,775."
Asking ain't getting...
especially when they ask for unrealistically crazy amounts of money....
Think about it: these fines go 10 times or 100 times beyond what violent criminals
might be fined...
A side note: the format of the board seems to have changed,
what happened to the "REPLY" button???
Took me a while to figure out to use the "quote" button to respond to posts here
Maybe this board is so busy that you don't mind cutting down on replies for the sake of web space? I have no idea...
but the traffic here has gone way beyond the old FRN. My congratulations to you!