0016 UTC Killer S9 signal here with "Fresh Air"-Quicksilver Messenger Service
0017 UTC Drunken DJ with shoutouts and request for refmo
0018 UTC "Season of the Witch"-Vanilla Fudge
(Nice to hear the Drunken DJ in the middle of the week!

0023 UTC "Sorry about the temporal discontinuity....I don't get paid to do this"...this is WDDR-Drunken DJ Radio", into
"Come Running"-Van Morrison
0026 UTC OM saying hello to folks...Skipamunker

Hi Robin...I love those 70's and 80's tunes plus a few other decades!
0028 UTC "Ants Marching"-Dave Matthews Band for JoeFLIPS
0033 UTC Shoutouts to ByteBORG and Chris Smolinski...only about 15% into the bottle...middle range Gallo...normally at the end of a bottle", into "Angel"-Aretha Franklin
Hey Drunken DJ...how about "Somethings Burning"-Kenny Rogers?

0039 UTC DDJ IDing last tune, shoutout to John Poet...Handsome Fansome...Robin, life is treating me well and I'm happy to be on board!
0042 UTC UNID tune from 1938 with YL singer
0044 UTC "Somethings Burning"-Kenny Rogers (Thanks DDJ! Always loved this song

0048 UTC (Yep...a story or two there DDJ!

...not only that but the song got banned in the Bible Belt...)
0051 UTC "Fools"-Diane Birch (Signal is pounding in here at S9+10 with great audio)
0054 UTC Didn't know that last song...it was a good one! Hmmm...Bible Belt

0055 UTC Robin, it's great to have these good friends on board! Shoutout to Dr. Smoke....drinking Sam Adams Lager
0056 UTC "Hoedown"-ELP
0100 UTC ID'd last song...shoutouts..."something else I wanted to do"...(Robin, the drunken DJ can get as buzzed as much as he wants! Keep spinning those tunes and remember.....
"Sam Adams, always a good choice"0101 UTC "Twentieth Century Fox"-Doors
0105 UTC "Minnie the Mooch"-Cab Calloway
0108 UTC "St. James Infirmary"-Cab Calloway
0111 UTC "Reefer Man"-Cab Calloway

0114 UTC DDJ IDing last songs...ID...taking requests on HFU...shoutouts to MDK2 and R4002...(Sub Optimal condition? Robin, maybe he needs to go see the Reefer Man for full optimization

0115 UTC "White Lies"-Nils Logren & Grin
0118 UTC DDJ IDing the last tune, into "Walking Down Your Street"-Bangles
0122 UTC Shoutouts...into "Black Cow"-Steely Dan
0129 UTC DDJ talking about a YL playing a Sax...Steely Dan take it to another level...(Robin....I'm feeling pretty good tonight! I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow morning....

) Hmmm

0130 UTC "Radio Radio"-Elvis Costello & Attractions
0134 UTC "Red Shoes"-EC & Attractions
Hey DDJ & Robin...how about "Look Out For My Love"-Neil Young?
0137 DDJ...Getting pretty buzzed....
0138 UTC "Oye Como Va"-Santana
0143 UTC I'm happy to be supportive!, into "When You Dance I Can Really Love"-NY & Crazy Horse (That's a great one too!

0147 UTC "Family Affair"-Sly & Family Stone
0152 UTC "Party Down the Hall"-Stone Coyotes (Haven't heard this one before!)
0155 UTC (Signal starting to drop a bit....at S8 now but still well above the noise)
0156 UTC "This is Drunken DJ Radio"..."something I wanted to do, something I wanted to say"...
0158 UTC "Feelin Alright"-Joe Cocker
(Almost time for bed...3 AM wake up call in Skipmuck's world....)
0202 UTC DDJ...jingle
0203 UTC "Spanish Moon"-Little Feat
0206 UTC DDJ mentioning HF Underground
0207 UTC "Dancing Barefoot"-Patty Smith
0211 UTC (Getting hard to hear the talk between songs now)
0213 UTC "Blood and Roses"-Smithereens
0217 UTC I can still hear Robin pretty well though

,into "Heaven"-Los Lonely Boys
0222 UTC DDJ says somebody is sending eQSL's for Drunken DJ Radio but is isn't him..."nothing from me"...HF Underground...requests...don't need to add a new post...
0224 UTC "Stupid Girl"-Garbage
0228 UTC Goodnight Robin!
"Go Back Home"-Stephen Stills (Great tune!)
Time for some badly needed slumber here! I'll leave the recorder running and listen to the rest of the show tomorrow evening....thanks again Drunken DJ, and of course....hugs and kisses to Robin

Interesting about the eQSL's....I was skeptical about those...I sent a request early in the show via that email addy and got a "🍾🍻🍵☕️🍹" reply....somebody doing some pirate hijinks I think.....not me though.