on 7725.95
1732 singer, 1733 instrum. music, 1735 W jazz singer, 1739 again, 1743 again "Nite and day"
but fading down, maybe the long skip coming on early ?
1746 talking ? very weak, then W jazz singer again
1748 Doris Day "Que sera sera", 1750 50's song? cut? now trad. Ru tune, 1754 jazz
1756 deep fade, 1800 back, movie theme?
1803 talking ? in a fade, signal fading in and out, 1804 music barely heard
1905 extra weak after careful antenna tuning, music (50's alike), 1913
1915 peaking, IDs at last, talking in E, more IDs, 1917 crooner+ Armstrong
1919 "Summertime", and talking above, mentions MW band, record collection, etc..
1925 fading up again, music, 1928 W singer, still fading up and down, but not too down.
2128 "Les jeunes loups" instrum. version, 2132 tango,
2200 very weak, "Cucurucucu", 2204 IDs no copy, ... more talking about collection, MW band
2207 giving web site address (no copy), 2210 music, jazz \some Chinese QRM