Did some quick DXing while driving back to the office on my lunch break (rig is a Superstar 3900 with a Hustler IC-100 mag-mount antenna).
26.705 MHz AM - Spanish language (strong signals, comparable to 27.025, 27.265, etc)
26.715 MHz AM - Spanish language, similar to, and suffering QRM from, 26.705 MHz
26.885 MHz AM - weak English language heard
26.915 MHz AM - some AM voice activity heard, several stations in Florida and Georgia heard, along with "Great Lakes"
-something on basically all 40 of the legal CB channels, 38 LSB (27.385 MHz LSB) very very busy with several stations talking at once, OM going on a long monologue about trade with China, Trump, the evil Democrats, Mexico, the wall, etc. etc. with stations calling CQ and working DX over him (this was around 1705 UTC or so). Some SSB voice also heard on CB channel 39 (27.395 MHz LSB). Likely stations QSY'ed from 38 LSB due to the large amount of QRM on 38L.
Noted FSK data bursts on 27.255 MHz (channel 23) mixing in with weak AM voice. The FSK data link / telemetry signals on 27.255 are not local to me.
27.415 MHz LSB - English language heard, OMs having a very ham-radio-like-QSO (nice sounding signals, numeric calls heard)
27.425 MHz LSB - weak voice heard
27.455 MHz LSB - English language heard, mention of Florida and Mississippi
27.465 MHz LSB - English language heard
27.525 MHz LSB - Two OMs talking about antennas, more ham-radio-like chatter
Good conditions early this afternoon