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Author Topic: RRI Nabire Pro 1 and Radio Vanuatu - August 20, 2024  (Read 224 times)

Offline Ron - Calif.

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RRI Nabire Pro 1 and Radio Vanuatu - August 20, 2024
« on: August 20, 2024, 2051 UTC »

INDONESIA. 7289.93, RRI Nabire Pro 1, 0820 till suddenly cut off at 0826* UT, Aug 20. The usual format; EZL songs
and announcers; again noticed with no consistency at all with their closing time; moderate QRN (static).

VANUATU. 7260, Radio Vanuatu, 0610-0740 UT, Aug 20. Absent yesterday; today nicely readable. Some highlights:

0631-0635: "Service messages"; the Office of the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator
urges all citizens to register their Sim cards by Dec 31, as is required by law, so they will have uninterrupted service; message
repeated a number of times - https://www.trbr.vu/public-register/regulations/final-regulations/876-sim-card-registration-regulation .
My fairly readable audio - https://app.box.com/s/igcv2skj04ggdxnvpesyzq090fme9zks .

0636 and again at 0655:  Musical ID - "Radio Vanuatu . . Kingdom of Tonga . . Solomon Islands . . Voice of Papua New Guinea . .
Radio Vanuatu, Vois Blong Yumi."

0649: Item about US nuclear weapons, long-range missiles and nuclear storage on Guam (News story:
https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/525537/cnmi-group-raises-concern-on-guam-governor-s-nuclear-weapons-storage-stance .

0657-0701: Promo "Vanuatu Gas"; PSA's; surprised to hear three job offers at VBTC.
My audio - https://app.box.com/s/hmqv02e7bdqpx402v1jl3c4gt9lz3d9o .

0701-0715: News/sports/weather in Bislama; outbreak of malaria, etc.; "football" Australia/Vanuatu (per Facebook:
"Tuesday 20 August 2024 - The friendly match between the Vanuatu U19 team and the visiting Australian U17 team,
known as the Subway Joeys, is ready to happen at the VFF Stadium in Port Vila on Wednesday 21 August."

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
CommRadio CR-1, external antenna: 100 ft. long wire 

Offline Ron - Calif.

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Re: RRI Nabire Pro 1 and Radio Vanuatu - August 20, 2024
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2024, 2023 UTC »
INDONESIA. 7289.93, RRI Nabire Pro 1, tuned-in 0811 till tuned-out 1005 UT, Aug 23. Better than normal reception; any
day that I can make out several clear ID's is a very good day; back to the usual variety of music (EZL songs, Middle
Eastern/Islamic influenced music/singing and guitar music with singing) and announcers.

0859-0910: Islamic segment; Shalawat Tarhim prayer, followed by the Maghrib (sunset) call-to-prayer.

0959-1000: RRI theme music.

1000+: Intro to the news with clear ID ("Programa Satu, Radio Republik Indonesia Nabire" - at 2:09 on my audio clip)
My audio - https://app.box.com/s/swqtkli3syjnu37x4njt3tppeae1x2zd . Slight China QRM after 1001.

VANUATU. 7260, Radio Vanuatu, 0620-0735 UT, Aug 23. Fair-good reception. The usual format, but now with several
new "radio" spots; promo followed with "This is a contribution from VBTC to celebrate the 100th anniversary of radio
this year, with the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union." National Radio Day was Aug 20.
My audio - https://app.box.com/s/ej4fmynx2ludvh9e3sssniro0rhcxwmp .

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
CommRadio CR-1, external antenna: 100 ft. long wire  


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