2320 unid mx
2322 kid's voice? Tarzan yell, unid sx
2325 off
S3 and at the floor; S4 peaks
2328 more kid's voice, Poet's voice: "This is the sound of another satisfied listener on the TCS SWRN", more unid mx
2333 OM tx; unintelligible, unid sx
2337 TCS IC by Juliana Montana, OM tx abt sex?
2339 song
2343 VH - Feel Your Love, sx with lyric "you're Going Down on Me"
2350 TCS ID by Juliana M, Meg Ryan fakin' one in "When Harry Met Sally" clip; up to S5 now (even the ionosphere's all hot)
0000 Etymology and usage of the F word
0011 "Why you think the net was born? Porn, porn, porn!"
0043 "They Call That Thing Vagina" sung in Frankie Laine style
Hmmm; sounds like a relay of the TCS Sex Show
Thanks TCS and relay.