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Author Topic: Still MORE New Frequency Changes for B13  (Read 1053 times)

Offline VK3BVW

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Still MORE New Frequency Changes for B13
« on: November 22, 2013, 2032 UTC »
9390   FRANCE.  R. Algerienne - Issoudun. Qu'ran at 2017, powerful NF for B13, but slight co-channel QRM from VOA-Ban Dung in  Korean on Nov 20. Suddenly off at 2058 in the middle of a song. Then a minute later fires up again next door on 9395 kHz with the same song. ID 2101 then news. Don't know why they make this move 5 kHz up - they'd be better to sit on 9395 and avoid VOA altogether. Also, VOA signs off at 2100 anyway!

Another 34 new frequencies also discovered over the last few days. The list is at:


73 and have a great weekend everyone

Rob Wagner VK3BVW
Yaesu FTDX3000, Kenwood TS2000, Yaesu FRG100, horizontal loop,dipoles for 80, 40 & 20m, Par EF-SWL Antenna,
BHI NEIM1031 Digi Noise Eliminating Module,
MFJ-1026 Noise Cancelling Module, MFJ and Tokyo Hi-Power ATU


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