« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2025, 1130 UTC »
0428 "Yakety Sax" by Boots Randolph.
0430 "Devils Weed" by Copper Still.
0432 "The Planets: Jupiter, The Bringer of Jollity; Saturn, The Bringer of Old Age" by Isao Tomita.
0438 SSTV image. (Too weak to copy image).
0439 OTA.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2025, 1147 UTC by Radiouser »

Dave in Hamilton, ON Please eQSL to drossm@sympatico.ca
Shazam used when needed to ID songs.
Chasing Pirate Radio stations since 1980.
Favorite Pirate Radio stations from the 80's both heard and QSL'd were Voice of Venus, RNCI, Tangerine Radio, Voice of To-morrow, Voice of Laryngitis, Radio Sound Wave, Radio Paradise International and Radio Clandestine among many others.
JRC NRD535D-SE with Sherwood SE-3 Mk 3, Drake R8B, Global AT-2000 tuner, PAR EF-SWL.