Hello Rinus! You are making it over here with a fair signal here in Western Massachusetts at 1432 UTC tune in with "Every Day Is A Winding Road" by Sheryl Crow followed by another tune by a lady singer.
1439 UTC Man announcer talking about reports received from Europe
1440 UTC Shoutout to Dimbulb! Followed by pop tune. Signal has deep fades, but at peaks is S5 here!
1445 UTC UNID song with short talkover by man announcer..."Cupid Radio". I'm measuring the frequency here at about 15069.6 KHZ
1449 UTC Thanks for the shoutout Mr. Rinus Outlaw!!!!! Thanks for the kind mailing I received yesterday also!

1453 UTC Signal is fading in and out of the static here every few seconds now. Sounds like Green Day but not sure.
(I checked the NOAA propagation site and there was an M5.9 solar flare at 1217 UTC, so that explains the fading and the static!)
1505 UTC I'm getting almost nothing now...bits of audio popping up above a high noise floor

Signal picking up around 1510 UTC....sounds like Sheryl Crow again
Yes, "If It Makes You Happy" clearly at 1514 UTC
1516 UTC Shoutouts again to the HFU posters...(Mr Skipmuck from Springfield says thank you!!!

1519 UTC OFF
(Thanks for the Sunday show Rinus! Now it's out to the shed for me to get the lawnmower and do some yardwork...
