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Author Topic: FRS October 26th broadcast repeated next Sunday  (Read 1136 times)


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FRS October 26th broadcast repeated next Sunday
« on: October 30, 2014, 0134 UTC »
Have some really neat info to pass along from FRS/Holland from a email I received from them. ;D

Dear FRS Friends,

Last Sunday propagation conditions were not the best (lots of static noise). On top of that there was a total fade out on SW just before 12 CET
and it took more than 2 hours before the signal had fully recovered. And if that's not enough...our afternoon stream was affected by a technical break.
Taking all this into consideration, we have decided to give it another try next Sunday November 3rd, same times, same frequencies!
Despite the low power, 9301 kHz was doing fairly well last Sunday. Keep an eye on it as it was sometimes stronger than 7700!

Sunday November 3rd
On Sunday November 3rd FRS-Holland will be on air  with a full broadcast (repeat Oct. 26th) between 08:52- 15:00 UTC. Frequencies will be 7700// 9300 kHz.
Programme line-up includes all FRS presenters and consists of FRS Magazine, the German Service, FRS Goes DX , 80s Show, Radio Waves and
the FRS Golden Show. Ingredients....great music, DX News, letters, the Day Calendar and a number of  radio related items.
'Old fashioned' free radio entertainment on a Sunday. Tune in....

Internet Stream
That same day between 14:52- 21:00 UTC/15:52- 22.00 CEST will see a full repeat on the internet. Check on your computer < http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u >.

New website...we need your input
In the mean time FRS-Holland has become 34 years....that was celebrated with an 'extra' broadcast on Sunday evening August 31st.
FRS strives to have its brand new website on-line sometime in December. The site will emphasize on FRS'  30+ year history in words, pictures & sound.
We invite you as a FRS listener to put your very own personal FRS memories on paper.
- When did you hear us for the first time, what was (is) your favourite show, when did you get your first QSL, how much did you listen to FRS, any special on air moments
you remember? All this info will be part of your personal FRS contribution.  Any serious contribution will be part of the new website. We very much appreciate your input as an FRS listener!
You can send your contribution to [frs@frsholland.nl]. Alternatively you can use POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, the Netherlands.

There is a backlog as far as QSL cards is concerned. Next few weeks we will try to anser all mails/ letters which haven't been handled so far. That's a promise!

Remember that winter time started on Sunday October 26th: UTC+1 hour= CET .

73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS Team (Jan, Paul, Roger, Dave, Brian, Bobby & Peter)

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: [frs@frsholland.nl]
future website: [ www.frsholland.nl]


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