V24 6215KHZ, 2016.June.5th, 15:00UTC
27031 15181 18209 08885 49910 89011 59859 43928 49870 34149
69486 74054 76940 21881 39868 43098 69365 47632 54604 80069
14992 19310 58136 08704 80069 14992 19310 58136 08704 47142
64191 88811 02701 87285 04342 53848 64860 02369 06704 46500
59139 39126 49359 04960 09942 84427 30694 37924 70053 47999
13759 84683 76887 79864 08715 20765 99755 60604 47099 06610
07064 36512
Comment: actually 62groups, not 57
V24 6310kHz 2016.JULY.3rd 15:30UTC
20525 88321 10190 76299 45147 44395 55207 08937 40031 12903
54638 86023 39896 73281 93671 29318 73800 26521 39494 52781
56221 81462 80003 66219 45972 25455 86282 28847 30520 29020
35355 78342 00883 97108 25662 48246 25986 19878 49234 24821
14440 93212 93907
v24 5900kHz 2016.JULY.22nd 16:00UTC
20525 88321 10190 76299 45147 44395 55207 08937 40031 12903
54638 86023 39896 73281 93671 29318 73800 26521 39494 52781
56221 81462 80003 66219 45972 25455 86282 28847 30520 29020
35355 78342 00883 97108 25662 48246 25986 19878 49234 24821
14440 93212 93907
Comment: Numbers message of Spy NO.2693 is the same one of spy NO.3890 in July.
v24 5290kHz 2016.JULY.3rd 14:30UTC
23545 05238 21971 08629 54002 25901 49006 62914 79721 74278
00869 04469 03091 19870 46397 58932 77829 63306 71245 85447
42964 08760 64688 44711 17108 54064 29231 75108 90268 04429
32476 35670 77996 68832 18310 67215 11043 93217 52980 01621
34395 25702 76014 12356 60934 59520
V24 5290kHz 2016.August.3rd 14:30UTC
spy NO.1973, 29GROUPS
87005 08538 62685 15600 43725 54917 47872 68517 60054 20454
99388 81950 28451 03682 43653 95928 40013 88336 88196 02144
05339 42761 32511 46595 47872 27912 67124 59747 82579
V24 5290kHz 2016.August.13th 14:30UTC
23545 05238 21971 08629 54002 25901 49006 62914 79721 74278
00869 04469 03091 19870 46397 58932 77829 63306 71245 85447
42964 08760 64688 44711 17108 54064 29231 75108 90268 04429
32476 35670 77996 68832 18310 67215 11043 93217 52980 01621
34395 25702 76014 12356 60934 59520
Comment: Normally, it should be the re-broadcast of numbers message on August, 3rd, 2016.
But it was the re-broadcast of numbers message in July.