if your computer does not have a physical serial COM port, DIGTRX will not function - serial COM port function was built into DIGTRX to enable PTT transceiver control.
in order for DIGTRX to work on windows 10 without the "error reading comcombobox1.comproperty: registry error" coming up, you will need to install a "virtual serial COM port".
if you plan to use a serial COM port from DIGTRX for PTT transceiver control, i would suggest purchasing a USB to serial COM port - a USB serial COM port will also enable DIGTRX to function without this error.
install "virtual serial driver" from >
www.eltima.com/products/vspdxp/this is trial/demo software that expires after 14 days but since we are not actually using the eltima program itself and the COM serial ports within DIGTRX, were only using it to get the DIGTRX to function - DIGTRX just needs to "see" a serial COM port.
after installation of the virtual serial driver, launch it and then press "continue demo", then press "add pair" and then close out the eltima software program.
then DIGTRX should be completely functional.
i do not know what the effects will be when the trial/demo expires after 14 days (probably cant use the ports but they will still be there enabling DIGTRX functionality) but there are other free options available to install a virtual serial COM port from a google search (use caution), i chose this one for its simplicity.
please let me know how this solution worked for you as it works flawlessly for me (windows 10 x64 pro)
if DIGTRX was coded to suppress exception errors, this issue would be non-existent. (it was coded using C++)