SIGINT training always comes up as a possible source when these kinds of odd signals show up. I always take such a suggestion with a grain of salt. It is certainly possible, no doubt. And I know it is absolutely true that SIGINTers do live, over air, training with canned signals. But sometimes that is just too pat an answer. "Look at this odd signal, it must be SIGINT training", and it is hard to suggest a more plausible source.
So I give SIGINT a solid, but guarded, "maybe".
Now, the fact of timing is interesting. Looking at my logs these kinds of things seem to peak up in activity about every 6 to 9 months, with the majority of my log entries (but not all of them) over the last 7 or 8 years being in either early March or August - September time period. If SIGINT training is a source, could we be looking at a school with a 6 to 9 month cycle time? Not saying the school is 6 or 9 months long, but rather a new class starts about every 6 to 9 months? Or might very possibly be a case of just too few data points in the log to be anything meaningful.
Just an idea.